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--- Quote from: Cairyn on 10.09.2012, 16:47:56 ---
--- Quote from: Cheetah on 10.09.2012, 15:33:28 ---it's the least useful, and least interesting feature

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But seriously, I would like to know what parts of the con book are most interesting? Were the new seating and panel plans successful, even with those pesky last minute changes? Who reads the advertising? Did we hit the spot with GoH and Charity pages? Would the timetables be more useful earlier in the book? Are there events you'd like to be spotlighted? Does the book help you in your decision which panels to visit?

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Guest of Honour and Charity should definitely stay in the con book, that's where I look first when I want to find out more about them.

On the other hand, devoting four pages to Fox Amoore (who is not GoH nor had a solo concert) and no editorial content on Eurofurence's own band project was a strange choice of priorities.

Timetables and floor plans are the more useful the less time you have to spend looking for them. So placing them as early as possible in the con book would be a good move, IMO. If not, I'd at least introduce a Table of Contents.


--- Quote from: Luxen on 13.09.2012, 21:09:48 ---Guest of Honour and Charity should definitely stay in the con book, that's where I look first when I want to find out more about them.

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I guess throwing them out of the book is no option anyway  ;D

--- Quote from: Luxen on 13.09.2012, 21:09:48 ---On the other hand, devoting four pages to Fox Amoore (who is not GoH nor had a solo concert) and no editorial content on Eurofurence's own band project was a strange choice of priorities.

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Not so much a choice, and not so much priorities. It's more "what I am provided with" (for other people's events) vs. "what I can provide myself" (for editorial content). In this case, the editorial content (the interview) seems a bit overwhelming since it concentrates on a single person instead of a project like Bitter Lake (the editorial content of last year). But that's the nature of the beast. If I get more elaborate descriptions on events, I am happy to print them as well.

You may say, of course, that I might have pushed more for a balanced content, squeezing people for page-long descriptions and perhaps a few photos. You'd be perfectly right. Next year we will most likely drop the articles as well (as we did with the stories the year before), and use the space for longer, more representative event descriptions. Let's see how well the squeezing works ;D

--- Quote from: Luxen on 13.09.2012, 21:09:48 ---Timetables and floor plans are the more useful the less time you have to spend looking for them. So placing them as early as possible in the con book would be a good move, IMO. If not, I'd at least introduce a Table of Contents.

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Another vote for the ToC. I guess we'll need that!

Another vote for a ToC here. would make for much easier to find things.


--- Quote from: Gero on 13.09.2012, 22:11:10 ---Another vote for a ToC here. would make for much easier to find things.

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And I guess, no Roman numerals as page numbers anymore  ;D

Quincy the Raccoon:

--- Quote from: Cairyn on 13.09.2012, 22:27:19 ---
--- Quote from: Gero on 13.09.2012, 22:11:10 ---Another vote for a ToC here. would make for much easier to find things.

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And I guess, no Roman numerals as page numbers anymore  ;D

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NO! It was very confusing. Oh ok, I know the number till 20 but then it goes beyond my knowledge border what concerns roman numbers.


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