Eurofurence Community > Eurofurence Media

Dancing Birdie?


i would love to be posting some video footage of Birdie dancing here, but i haven't been able to find any - i do know that some people were filming me, and i'm just wondering if any of it has surfaced, and my youtube/vimeo/whatnot search skills are simply failing me ;)

As consolation, here's what Birdie looks like, curtesy of datgingercat :)

I have no video, but if you want, I can send bunch of high res still photos? At one point I spend quite a time around you at the dance floor with my camera, trying out different angles and settings. Some with bigger success than other :D

Ooh, i would like that, yes, thank you! :) please :) *giggles* Yes, experimentation is fun ;)

Sent. I hope you like them :)


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