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Eurofurence 29 — "Space Expedition"
Sep 3 — 6, 2025
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg


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Author Topic: Is there a date for Eurofurence 19 yet?  (Read 31728 times)


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Re: Is there a date for Eurofurence 19 yet?
« Reply #15 on: 12.11.2012, 10:55:33 »

Thank you for announcing the date for next year ! I can´t wait for the convention, last year was just amazing. My mate an I are still enthusing over it ^^

Oh and.. I actually managed to spend 1000 to, but with everything included for 2 Persons, and quite a bit I left at the Artshow and the Dealers Den.. and the Piano bar... I guess there are quite a few side expenses you could count in, but they are no must to enjoy the con with less for sure ! So no worries no need to spend a fortune to pass a great time ^^


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Re: Is there a date for Eurofurence 19 yet?
« Reply #16 on: 12.11.2012, 16:55:39 »

How much money is spent for EF? Well.. the 290 EUR you see there are pretty lean I think (180 Euro for Con and hotel, train is about 60 Euro with return ticket, if you book early enough... 50 Euro food & drink for 5 days), whereas the 1000 EUR on the other hand is pretty much.

For comparison: I have no real value for the food, so I estimated 20 Euros / day, which ist still okay (Truck Stop on travelling days, 2x Restaurant, 2x Maritim-Burger/ClubSandwich; + Breakfast + occasional Muffin), real value might have been a bit higher.

  • ConFee: 80
  • Hotel (Maritim): 170
  • Early Arrival: 55
  • Food: 6*20
  • Gasoline: 100
  • T-Shirt: 15

So this together leaves me with 540 Euros.
I can't remember, how many drinks I had at the bar; got 2 relatively cheap things in the Art Show; one sketch + smaller things in the Dealers Den - so depending on consumption you can get way higher :)
In peace, there's nothing so becomes a man, as modest stillnesse, and humilitie. (Shakespeare)


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Re: Is there a date for Eurofurence 19 yet?
« Reply #17 on: 13.11.2012, 03:15:32 »

I had to keep everything as cheap as possible. I had luck that my roomies friend gave me the link to the cheap but nice hotel. That one isn't listed on big hotel pages.

EF Ticket: 80€
Hotel: 100€ (wed-sun)
Train: 72€ (with train-card 25%), 8€ for seat reservations (wasn't necessary because the train was empty all the time.. -.-") - from cologne to magdeburg on IC trains (booked 1 week before the con)
Shirt: 15€
Food: 15€ (water, bread, salami, candy, mini-pizza (i had a kitchen) and bakery once)
Have to admit that eating the same all the time wasn't healthy, I didn't feel good saturday morning ^^;

It will be around 400€ next year for that stuff. My roomie for next year wants to stay in the con hotel ^^


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Re: Is there a date for Eurofurence 19 yet?
« Reply #18 on: 15.11.2012, 01:47:56 »

But Im from Portugal, drive to Germany would be even more expensive than go by train, bus or airplane.

To go to the Eurofurence on Maritim hotel I have to catch a plane to the Cochstedt airport right? After I get there how I do to move to Maritim hotel? Train? Bus? Teleport?

What is the price of a room on Maritim in August? Can someone give me a list of all hotels where the guests can stay, places to eat and maybe to visit around the town?

It will be my first time travelling more than 1000 km alone and I feel lost very easy so I would need some "tech support" for when I get to Germany territory? Maybe call to one of the organizers, chairman or something similar?

Thank you in advance.


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Re: Is there a date for Eurofurence 19 yet?
« Reply #19 on: 15.11.2012, 09:56:33 »

But Im from Portugal, drive to Germany would be even more expensive than go by train, bus or airplane.

To go to the Eurofurence on Maritim hotel I have to catch a plane to the Cochstedt airport right? After I get there how I do to move to Maritim hotel? Train? Bus? Teleport?

What is the price of a room on Maritim in August? Can someone give me a list of all hotels where the guests can stay, places to eat and maybe to visit around the town?

It will be my first time travelling more than 1000 km alone and I feel lost very easy so I would need some "tech support" for when I get to Germany territory? Maybe call to one of the organizers, chairman or something similar?

I will accept other opinions as long as you all accept that those opinions are wrong.


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Re: Is there a date for Eurofurence 19 yet?
« Reply #20 on: 15.11.2012, 21:41:54 »

Hi Leor,

well, tl;dr :-), but I do support doco's answer. Spend some time and search this forum thoroughly, most answers will be clear after that. I suggest air travel may be the cheapest, not knowing where you live I'd suggest Lisboa-Frankfurt for starters, should be the cheapest. Maybe Interrail may be an option for rail travel. Best: team up with some furs and share a car. Roadtrip, yay! Or long-distance coach.
For accomodation check, and google. On a budget: youth hostel (about 20 seconds from the maritim) or, if you dare ...




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Re: Is there a date for Eurofurence 19 yet?
« Reply #21 on: 15.11.2012, 23:28:37 »

Thank you for the tips/help. I probably go with one that was on EF twice (Daisuke Miles the green husky and other 1 or 2 portugueses and share room with a very good friend from Russia that was there in EF17 lol
So we go all together in car because is more cheap if we are 4 going in the same car tan go in airplane and later we aks for indications because 2 of us know some Deutch, not very good but is good enough to ask for directions.

ONE VERY HUGE MEGA IMPORTANT QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! uncle kage aka samuel conway will be there?????

Quincy the Raccoon

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Re: Is there a date for Eurofurence 19 yet?
« Reply #22 on: 16.11.2012, 08:15:40 »

Thank you for the tips/help. I probably go with one that was on EF twice (Daisuke Miles the green husky and other 1 or 2 portugueses and share room with a very good friend from Russia that was there in EF17 lol
So we go all together in car because is more cheap if we are 4 going in the same car tan go in airplane and later we aks for indications because 2 of us know some Deutch, not very good but is good enough to ask for directions.

ONE VERY HUGE MEGA IMPORTANT QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! uncle kage aka samuel conway will be there?????
No EF without our awesome storyteller! Trust me, he will be there in 2013!
Ringtailed bandit, that's what I am :3


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Re: Is there a date for Eurofurence 19 yet?
« Reply #23 on: 16.11.2012, 16:48:00 »

No EF without our awesome storyteller! Trust me, he will be there in 2013!

Ummm - Dr. Conway is a very devoted fan and friend of EuroFURence.  I believe that If humanly possible, he shall make every attempt to be there.

(Let's not tie our kindly Onkel Kage to something which - world circumstances being what they are - none of us would ourselves be able to guarantee, eh?)
Vulpine fortunes are precarious; people wish either to build monuments to us - or to hang us.
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