Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Suggestion: computer room

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Why should I go to Secondlife wen I am on the Con?  m(

Who knows? Maybe you find it more interesting then the con.
Stranger things have happened and I do believe there are people who use Second Life during a convention.

I dont understand online/internet games on conventions.. you spend hundreds of euros/dollars etc, spend your vacation days for it, plan many things beforehand and prepare for extreme party, fun and festivol, probably travel thousand or more kilometers to con site and then you just go in corner there and play game that you could/or have played for multiple years at home :)

Completaly true Kisu.  ;)

I personally believe this idea is not completely necessary. Those people who need to be avaiable via Internet (eg. mails about important stuff), will most likely have brought a device with them. Also you get to meet enough people, and I guess most Germans will have Internet on their mobile phones :)


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