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Eurofurence 29 — "Space Expedition"
Sep 3 — 6, 2025
CCH — Congress Center Hamburg


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Author Topic: You can apply for Dealers' Den EF19 now  (Read 18217 times)


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You can apply for Dealers' Den EF19 now
« on: 01.03.2013, 16:42:54 »

Eurofurence 19th Dealers' Den is open for your application now.
You can apply until 30th of April. The login data is the same as for the Eurofurence registration board.

The seating plan will be published on 15th of May.

All necessary information can be found here:
If you have any further questions, please feel free to send an e-mail at:

PS: Just in case you didn't read the "fine print": Your registration date does neither influence the amount of table space, nor the chance of any space being allocated to you at all.
Your critique was heard: We will exchange the smaller of both Den rooms for an even smaller but more reachable room right next to the big Den room. That means we have a little less table space than last year!
We will collect all the applications within the next two monthes and put together the seating plan in purpose to get an interesting mix for the customers.
« Last Edit: 01.03.2013, 21:33:32 by Alpha_Ki »
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