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EF19 unofficial Paw Pet Show recording ---- NOW ONLINE!!!

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Here it is:


Like last year
and the year before
I plan to organise a recording of the Paw Pet Show as good as my limited abilities allow it.

However I need some help!
We have 3 cameras (+1 GoPro), 1 audio recorder but only 2 people.
We need 2 additional helper and if at all possible one more camera would make a huge difference.

The last years have shown that there simply must be one helper per camera and one for the audio recorder.
Since we're audience members like everyone else it simply doesn't work out to have any camera run that you can't reach.
(Both years we had trivial issues like a battery going flat or the image being focused on the curtain and not the stage
 but couldn't get to the camera to fix that.)
We're talking about simple tasks like pushing a red button to start/stop and checking that it actually blinks.
Pushing another button if it's blury.
Switching batteries during the breaks.
Lifting the camera up when everyone stands up during the curtain call.

If anyone plans to record the show him/herself anyway. Please answer too so we can get that recording onto a laptop to have a fallback.
(We needed one both times. Even if it's just a chair squeeking or head in front of the camera for a second.)
If anyone has a small CCD camera, that would be great (since it's a pain to record the DLP-projectors with CMOS).
If you have a Micro-4/3 camera but lack the right lenses, we can help you.

---- the plan:

Since we don't have a 4th Micro4/3 camera this year and we need the DLP projectors,
we can't shoot dialogues from 2 sides (looked great last year).
# We'll be limited to one camera showing all of the stage.
# One camera showing the DLP projector with terrible rainbows dancing.
# A third camera following the action and showing a medium shot or closeup of the current main puppet.
Last year our main audio failed completely but hopefully this year we'll have better audio (less reverb/echo) then last year.

Arctic Steve:
I'm hoping to film it on my camcorder and I do have a tripod, 170 min of battery and over 14h recording time but the camcorder (Canon Legria FS46) isn't HD though.

Example of it's indoor quality, though i've started using the manual focus now. -

Feel free to see if anyone else comes forward first.

Hey, it would be great if you could do the projector.
You could get our audio recording and we a recording of the DLP with no rainbows.
Win-Win. ;)
If would also mean that we have 2 camera free for closeups and in dialogues can have one camera on the right shoot the left pawpet
and one camera on the left shoot the right one.

Arctic Steve:
Sure, i'll film the projector.


We're still short 1 volunteer.


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