Eurofurence Community > Eurofurence Media

EF19 unofficial Paw Pet Show recording ---- NOW ONLINE!!!

<< < (3/6) > >>

The most difficult scene is done.
Friday the next scene will be edited.
Then steadily one scene per week (except during Conventions).
Should be done by mid-November (theoretical) or end of November (something WILL not be perfect and ask to be improved for an additional day or two)
Spending a ton of time getting the source material as perfect as I can make it before editing a scene. (Like a day per camera and scene with 2x 3-6 hours of the computer crunching away on the FullHD footage.)

go foxxy go! :)

Slightly more then 1/3 of the show are done and I've learned much more then I ever wanted to know about rotoscoping.

Now 50% done.

Arctic Steve:
Keep up the good work, really looking forward to seeing the end result ^^

Quincy the Raccoon:

--- Quote from: Suran on 30.09.2013, 22:31:19 ---Slightly more then 1/3 of the show are done and I've learned much more then I ever wanted to know about rotoscoping.

Now 50% done.

--- End quote ---
...More waiting I guess...  #p


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