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EF19 Feedback

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Here's my feedback as well.

I'm really happy about how the con was this year, I liked it more than the last year's one.

The Critters at the Zoo event was a really nice one, just to start with. I was very happy to see how people in Magdeburg loved to see us walking around the zoo and taking pictures with real animals.

The flashmob was a nice Idea as well.

The parade was the best one I've attended, with lots and lots of people coming to look at us.

I liked the idea of the charity photos. There aren't many places where you can take a picture of yourself with a racoon!

Another big point was the fursuit gameshow and its preliminaries. Loved that game even if I couldn't last really long.
The whole show was very well organized, even If me and my temmate had a couple of problems during the first game (which, in my opinion, was pretty dangerous, my teammate got injured).
Anyway, the show was awesome, same for the Furaoke.

And the Pawpetshow was way, way better than the last year's one!


--- Quote from: Luchs on 27.08.2013, 19:54:57 ---...The short summary: It was a blast!
...My personal highlight: The fursuit programs and lounge.

...The "Fursuit" program (and lounge) were incredible, and simply awesome! The walk at the Zoo, the flashmob at the mall and the suit walk were wonderfully organized. There was enough information to answer any "how" and "where" questions, there's always been water supplies and security/helpers to guide the path and minimize problems.

...[everything else you said]

...(waiting times)

--- End quote ---

You Sir,
are now my this years favorite attendee. First and foremost because you obviously did take the time to read the info posters of all the outdoor fursuit events. Here's to you. :-)
Secondly because you saw and regognized all those little details that we put in the lounge to make it more than "just a changing room".
And last but not least, for you actually posting this here. Your great expperience is what we are putting all the effort in for, and happy faces and the occasional thankyou is the only thing the staff teams get in return.  :)

As for the waiting times: All your cooments are true. However, let me tell you from almost twenty years of EF experience: There is nothing we can do about it. There are technical issues, there are sudden accidents behind the stage, there are a thousand things that suddenly go wrong.
Basically, as weird as it may sound, when coming to Eurofurence again, you get used to it. Waiting in line for an event is a social event in its own. Use it the best you can. Get to know the people around you. :)

I like to thank the security team for handling the issue with my conbook fast and simple
You rock guys
and all in all I think this years Con was really good and smooth and I think our attendees noticed it too ^^

Great con as always! In general, everything went very smoothly, and I only have one or two things that could've been better.

The good:
I had completely forgotten that I hadn't added early arrival and late departure m(, so when I turned up on early arrival day, the hotel of course said that the room wasn't booked until tomorrow, and directed me to the EF registration desk. By this point I could already feel the cold sweat starting, fearing I'd have to book a room at the intercity for those nights. But luckily, just 3 minutes and 110€ later, I had the room for those extra days. Amazing! :D

The not so good:

The schedule was released very late. So late that I had to set the time for a meet-up, before knowing if it would conflict with any panels and events. When the schedule was released, I found that the music production panel that I'd wanted to go to was at exactly the same time.
Next year, please please please try and get the schedule out earlier. Get out the whip and thumbscrews if necessary! :P


--- Quote from: DarkFoxDK on 28.08.2013, 10:56:02 ---
--- Quote from: Jorinda on 28.08.2013, 09:36:16 ---Something else I forgot to mention:
One evening there was a team of ladies in red dresses in the lobby handing out energy drinks for promotion. (Sadly, I cannot remember what day it was.)
Some of my friends and me found it quite annoying to be bothered with sales promotions during the con. I wouldn't mind about things related to con theme - like some animal charity, or plushies, or furry-themed movies and the like. But a team trying to sell stuff that has nothing to do with the con kind of ruined the atmosphere.

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This! I found it absolutely tasteless (that they were there, I didn't taste the energy drink).

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I have to agree here, the promotion was completly tasteless idea of the hotel.


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