Eurofurence Information > Feedback

EF19 Pawpetshow feedback

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It was my first Pawpet-Show and I must say I had very high expectations. Everyone told me: "Oh, you have to see this", "It's awesome" and "It doesn't even have much to do with boring old puppetry anymore"

But it wasn't as I imagined. IT WAS SO MUCH BETTER! Seriously, I can't find any superlative which begins to describe the brilliance of this show. The soundtrack, the puppets, the lighting, the scenery, the voice acting, even the short videos and trailers during the breaks made this an unforgettable experience. When the dolphin died on the beach, I could barely hold back my tears. Same goes for the song "Right next to you". I still get goosebumps whenever I listen to that song (or any title of the soundtrack).

There were a few issues (I think the story was a bit confusing towards the end), but these didn't bother me at all.

All in all I am overwhelmed by what the whole team pulled off for a show which is only showed once.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

For me there haven't been EF without PPS! I enjoyed it. Nothing bigger than life, but just great show. Sound levels were much better than last year :)

Underwater scene was brilliant! Lights, bubbles, umbrella thingie, shark swimming above audience... Beautiful!

And yay, bats! I was hoping Makani to use echolocation at some point, but can't get it all :)

After show pic


--- Quote from: Kamuniak on 02.09.2013, 21:57:43 ---After show pic

--- End quote ---

weeh, Poor Makani looks realy overfluffed o.o  ;)

I really liked the PPS this year. The underwater scene was AWESOME. And the shark swimming/floating over my head was a nice touch. The ending did puzzle me however. To me it ended way to suddenly. A kind of aftermath would have been nice.


--- Quote from: Rattie on 02.09.2013, 23:16:00 ---The ending did puzzle me however.
--- End quote ---

Well, what happens to our heroes (and villain) afterwards already belongs to a different story. If you ask Cheetah very nicely he might even tell it.


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