Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Conbook - feedback and suggestions

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I love the cover artwork SO much, you did choose the right artist for that. :) :)

I love the con book and I'm considering hanging some of the artwork in my room now! Though I have to admit shamefully that I didn't give it a good cover-to-cover read through until after the convention (and I'm certainly not alone there). XD When I got it, I went straight for the schedule and the event descriptions.

The advertising didn't strike me as negative because it was thematically appropriate, actually had some nice looking artwork, and (most importantly!) didn't intrude on the content. An ad for "<insert popular soft drink brand here>" would have looked entirely out of place, but I don't think there is anything questionable about furry events promoting each other, or related events and services. (And I think the amount of advertising in general was rather low. On a quick look I'm counting 5 full pages, not counting the "end tide" page, and two banners on the bottom of other pages. That is less than 10%. Next time you go to the dentist, flick through some of the crap mags there.)

I also entirely missed the pocket program, but I sort-of invented my own version of it by printing the online PDF in "2 on 1" mode so it comes out in A5 format if I cut it in the middle. Then it fit nicely into my A5 note book that I was carrying around most of the time anyway, I can text-marker interesting events beforehand, and if i put the last page in upside-down i can just flick out the whole program to quickly see the floor plan. (Only slightly larger font and b/w printer friendly contrasts would have been nice for that, but it worked great nevertheless so no complaints.)

And last but not least... I LOVE MAPS!!!111  <3  And the online PDF was great to familiarize myself with the general layout before I arrived.

Oh, and I didn't use the "app" because I was the only person at the convention without a smartphone and unlimited data plan. Please keep the printed stuff as well, and it works without batteries.


--- Quote from: amee2k on 08.09.2013, 13:40:24 ---Oh, and I didn't use the "app" because I was the only person at the convention without a smartphone and unlimited data plan.
--- End quote ---
No, you were not the only one ;).

--- Quote from: amee2k on 08.09.2013, 13:40:24 --- Please keep the printed stuff as well, and it works without batteries.
--- End quote ---
Indeed, please keep it :).

The Conbook layout and design was the best ive seen yet. (EF14-19)
Nothing moar to say ... keep it that style.

For the 20th anniversary it would be cool to have it like the Anthrocon Conbook.
One-Two Sentences about every Sfatt Member - explaining what he does and is.
It doesnt have to be written as big as in the AC Conbook. Bould would be a nice to have and
kinda honour for every Staffer doing a great job.

The art in the conbook is simply astonishing. We have so skilled artists and it is a pleasure to enjoy their work while reading the conbook. I really like the style. Keep it!
Does Eurofurence have an official mascot? No? Wouldn't it be appropriate to have one? Small comic strips could also be an awesome extra feature. He/she/it could then appear in these, if it were.   

--- Quote from: Sheppy on 12.09.2013, 11:49:52 ---One-Two Sentences about every Sfatt Member - explaining what he does and is.

--- End quote ---
I totally agree. The staff of EF should definitely be mentioned in the conbook. Their hard work is what makes it possible for the rest of us to have an awesome time, and a blast of a con!


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