Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Conbook - feedback and suggestions

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I loved the conbook ^^
But as the head of security said, it was a bit of commercials here and there. Tho i dont mind the commercials or amount of then, rather please have more X3 But i suggest putting the commercials maby close to the end of the conbook, and gather them there, so that those that want to look for something specifik or want a way to reach their beloved artist or what it is about, can look there ^^
That way it wont bother anyone that dont like commercials, and will be easy accessible for those that likes it :3

Pan Hesekiel Shiroi:
I gotta admit that I'm not really that much into comic stuff, but I still found that the conbook was done pretty nicely. I talked to a few people about it everyone said they loved it.
So, what can I say except: Well done! :)

The conbook is extremely beautiful and there is nothing negative I can say because it was on par with or better than all other conbooks I have seen in some 25 cons now. That said, it's probably the best conbook, very colorful and beautiful.

About the advertising: We already have planned for a new subdepartment that will take care of advertising applications, and limit the amount. We also may put most of them back on a double-page spread like before, so they won't interfere with the content.

About the credits: A funny one-liner would be nice to have, but seeing that the font is really small already and the credits list is almost two pages long, there would not be room for everybody, and I wouldn't like to single out some people over others.

Question to readers: How about the table of content? Is it useful? Would it be better positioned on the inside cover for easy access?

Question to readers: Since we got a new hotel next year, what do you think is the essential information you'd expect from the con book?


--- Quote from: Cairyn on 28.08.2013, 11:38:12 ---

Question to readers: How about the table of content? Is it useful? Would it be better positioned on the inside cover for easy access?

Question to readers: Since we got a new hotel next year, what do you think is the essential information you'd expect from the con book?

--- End quote ---

table of content is indeed useful ^^

And what i think would be essential info next year will be where to go for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And possible a night snack when someone gets the munchies. :P
maby add what type of food they tend to serve there. maby suggest places to go for taking pictures, and if something fun withing walking distance is happening. ^^ Its always useful.


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