Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Your special, beautiful, and most cherished moments at Eurofurence

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I had several moments during the convention:

Seeing the final scene of the pps on one of our monitors in the backstage - couldn't believe it looked so good
Hearing our Charity people talking about "a few hundred Euros, maybe 300" they might collect here - I had a very very hard time not to burst out in laughter (I know from several conventions, how generous Furrys can be, especially in those cases)
Giving someone a hug and getting a very unexpected, warm response hug back (thats why i seemed a bit absent, but you made my day with that)

hi  :D
it was my first furry convention  and I really really loved it   ;D
so here is my little moment: while the dancing, I think it was saturday night, the music failed and there was no sound any longer...BUT only a few seconds because all the furries
started to do music by singing: I like to move it move it! everybody was singing and we clapped our hands and put the hands in the's just a little moment I know but I found it awesome cause it showed how friendly the mood was and even failed music in a furry disco couldn't stop the party ^^

For me it was a lot of Situations during the PPS and the Soundtrack :D

I think my happiest moment at the con was during the pawpetshow rehearsal. We never got to try the underwater scene in actual UV light, so all previous rehearsals took place in bright daylight on Dhary's parking lot, looking more like some kind of bizarre expression dance instead of a PPS scene :)

We set up all foreground panels and special FX and props, and did one "dry" run on stage in the middle of the night, just to test the choreography. Then we finally turned the lights off, our custom made helium UV bubble machines on, fired up the black light floods, started up Fox Amoore's "Wonders of the Deep", and it went through without a hitch, and it looked GORGEOUS. 6 Months of hard work to make that scene happen, never been able to actually try it, and there it just worked like a charm.

I actually jumped up and shouted "YAHOOOOO!" in the end, and believe me, I rarely do that at 4 in the morning during PPS rehearsals :)

I was just magic, like a dream come true.

My special moment was, when Alexia and Hiro from Singapore knocked on my door and gave me a gib Alexia plush dragon. I nearly started to cry.
We know each other for a few years and chat every now and then. But I never thought I'd be such a good friend for him. *starts sniffing again*
Today the stuffing did arrive and he's filled up now. And it seems that he already made friends here. :)


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