Eurofurence Community > Eurofurence Media

My photos


As long as my pics are not online at, here's the dropbox link.
If anyone wants a pic in better quality, give me a note.


--- Quote from: Schorse on 29.08.2013, 09:48:32 ---As long as my pics are not online at, here's the dropbox link.
If anyone wants a pic in better quality, give me a note.

--- End quote ---


oh my i love your photos i saw you got me in a few shots i downloaded them but can you realy get them in better quality //Nienna

Awesome pictures, you got so many of happy-hugging, nice work there capturing those moments :3
Cool pictures of the inflatables event as well ... and damn me for missing it ... again ... next year, I hope I can get to it next year ^^;;;;


--- Quote from: Nienna87 on 29.08.2013, 20:41:43 -----------------------------------------

oh my i love your photos i saw you got me in a few shots i downloaded them but can you realy get them in better quality //Nienna

--- End quote ---

Sure, just tell me the numbers of the pics and I'll put the high quality ones on my dropbox.


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