Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Who was watching EFprime?

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Arctic Steve:
I watched it. Overall I thought it was brilliant. Only thing which got in the way was that the TV in my room is volume limited, I found it hard to hear at times.

I was watching it whenever I was in the room and was especially happy about the live broadcast of stage events :)

I watched it whenever being in the room (e.g. eating, recovering from fursuiting) and I used it to monitor at the evening to check out possible delays, activity, kind of dance-music etc. Going down from level 6 just to check something which could be seen on TV would have incresed elevator usage. The year before I watched a major event on TV from a roomparty. This year I had an excellent stage audio directly sitting in line with the main stage-speaker high above. So there was a perfect balanced mix of music & speach available, from what has been said it seemed not having been used for the TV feed. But even when the sound was ok the noise was never far away (I would guess 45 dB S/N) so maybe you would need a dynamic compressor or go digital in the new hotel if it is possible.

I guess I'm repeating what's been said already... but we watched it all the time whenever somebody was in the room. Cartoons in the morning, other funny furry stuff during the day, live coverage of events.... the picture quality was not exactly the best... maybe I'm just not used to analogue TV any longer :D
but anyway, the service is VERY nice! and much appreciated!

I watched it every time i was in my room. ^^ And i loved the tweet option <3


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