Good morning, everyone!
A lot of you will already have been waiting for this, and we won't keep you waiting any longer: All the photos from this years fursuit photoshooting are sorted, processed and online! Before I give you the link, please allow me to say "Thank You" to the great team that made this possible. Starting this year, the photo team features two photographers for the fursuit photoshooting, so the team listing looks a bit different this year:
Rapante - Specialises in kicking me forward whenever I get tired and say "I can't go on, I'm done for!"
Kovu - Second photographer in charge! Without him, the expansion of the time table wouldn't have been possible at all. I'm glad to have a second skilled photographer on board now!
Pegasus, Akeela, Draugvorn, Jose and Boltee - Tossing around props, decoration and fursuiters in such a way that when everything lands in the studio set, it somehow adds up to a really nice scene that allows us to get a good photo

Additionally, my thanks go to four people that are not officially part of our team, but still had a great part in making the event a success:
Riffuchs - Special thanks go to him this year, for building the fantastic Tiki bar for us!
Blue_Panther - The artist that has been painting the backdrops for our photo sets for quite some years now!
Lyserc and Jaryic - Four additional hands that really know WHAT to do during setup and takedown of the trussing and decoration!
Once again: Thank you, guys - Without you, there would BE no Fursuit Photoshooting at Eurofurence!
And now, go ahead and enjoy the photos, everyone - See you all next year!
Link, link, link: