Eurofurence Community > Eurofurence Media

Poll: Eurofurence 11 - Pawpetshow Video

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Hello everybody!

I'm currently working hard to get a few old projects out of my system. One of them is the EF 11 Pawpetshow "Songs of the Old Ages". Yes, the one from 2005. Yes, the one with the music nazis :)

Hey, I'm only 8 years behind, what's your problem? :) Now, I realize that this is a really old show, and it's very different to what we do today. So if you've only seen the EF17/18/19 shows (the "new school" pawpetshows) you might be a bit disappointed of our "old school" show from our first year in Nuremberg. On the other hand, I think the EF11 show was one of the most charming ones we had, and the only one so far which incorporated a musicial live performance!

I've made a double-DVD set, which has a few nice extras:

* Multi-Angle: Switch back and forth between audience view and backstage view at any time!
* 5.1 surround sound
* English and german subtitles
* PAL 16:9 Letterboxed (Yeah, this is from a time where widescreen was considered high end :) )

Now - I'm not sure how to publish this. So I'm asking: Who here would actually be willing to BUY a set on dvd-r in a box? Or would you rather prefer a digital download (which in this case would be a set of two DVD images)? Or both? Would you pay for a disc, even if we decided to release it as a free download?

What is your opinion?

Arctic Steve:
As a newbie who missed out on anything before 2013, i'd buy one.  It'd be nice to see how the show was, compared to recent ones.

DVD's would be too old school for me. Just a piece of antique plastic. How about a pay what you want download? I'd donate 15€ for that!

DVD and download and I'd pay for it.

I would buy one just so it looks cool in my dvd collection
and for watching ^^


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