Eurofurence Community > Eurofurence Media

Poll: Eurofurence 11 - Pawpetshow Video

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Haven't been to EF yep, couldn't afford this year nor had the time(re-exam the day before the con), but I definitely will join in Berlin next year - also easier for me to get there, only one train to get to Berlin compared to how it'd have been to Magdeburg. :)

Even though I haven't been to EF yet, I'd pay for a digital download, as well :) It'd be nice to see some more EF history after all I've watched on youtube.


--- Quote from: Thygrrr on 26.10.2013, 13:43:33 ---I'd possibly chip in, but I hardly remember the show (was it the one with Dirty Deeds Done by Sheep?).

Now, if you want a Shut Up and Take My Money reaction, do any PPS starting from EF13.

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No - I think it was the one where Heather Alexander in the end boss fight fiddled so hard that two strings (of four) broke... and still carried on!

Oh and: I would by a DVD. Also from Heathers concert back then *hint hint* :)


--- Quote from: Tekumseh on 08.11.2013, 11:31:47 ---No - I think it was the one where Heather Alexander in the end boss fight fiddled so hard that two strings (of four) broke... and still carried on!
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That is correct. The storyline evolved around creativity, music publishing industries, and Indiana Jones style search for ancient artifacts.


I would love to see the show, especially because I have not been at EF 11.
Personally, a DVD would be my first choice.

from the dvd I want to have a definitely


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