The production does contain a good amount of video. Both stored clips and live feeds, and considering the fact that my fastest computer is my (gaah! - 8 years old) IMac, I'll see what kind of tricks QLab can do for me. There is even a free version up for grabs that seems to work very well. And the expensive pro versions can be rented on a daily basis too, which is a neat feature!
I will definitely try to see what SCS can do, just to familiarize myself with it. Since you are using it, I feel inclined to know what tools you are wielding, even though I don't get to use it. What can I say; I am a geek, and I like to know tech stuff ^^
Can you please ellaborate how the video function in SCS is still in its infancy?
For now I think I'll go with QLab. If you like, I'll happily share my experience with QLab once I get to know it better. Regarding using another software for video production, try take a look at "Isadora" from "Troikatronix". It is a very powerful tool.