UP TO DATE INFORMATIONS AT THE CON ON THESE PAPERS: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gnhk12m2loxtz9n/Ohne%20Titel.jpgSo we only have a few days left until EF20 will begin, so we decided to publish our plan for the music video this year now.
Also we need your help! (see below).
We will use this song and also the main idea/concept of this movie:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rX4cx8GVWAWe want a cute and fluffy video how Furries take control over the capital of germany this year. So yeah - no violence, just cuteness.
Since this year is "CSI:Berlin", we would be happy to have have some cute fursuiters who act as a special force with weapons - BUT: No realistic weapons! These are not allowed and wouldn't fit anyway. Please use only [unpainted] Nerf Guns or unrealistic LARP weapons (such as a styrofoam sword) and talk to the security at EF when you enter the con, show them the toys, we don't want to have any problems here. Also please don't load your Nerfgun into the con area, you can do that outside for the video but not at the con area.
If you want to join us, but you don't have a Nerf gun, you can get them here for a few bucks in the toy stores anywhere in Berlin or simply build yourself a paper sword (yes, be creative).
We want some really cute fursuiters and some realistic and mystic looking ones!(Glowing eyes? Dark fur? Yes!)
Also we want to shoot scenes with a furry rockband playing on instruments like electric guitars and drums. Since it is impossible to get everything you want for a movie, we will see what we have there. Of course, if someone can bring us an electric guitar or even drums, please do it! We don't need fursuiters to actually play something on these instruments, we will teach you the moves and everything and you just need to act like you would play on them.
After we've shot a few hundred videos now in the last years, we have learned that it makes no sense at all to plan every szene before the con. Like last year, we will work with the people that we can grab out of the crowd.
But: we will have three szenes that we need to plan on the con.
-A szene with fursuiters and Nerf guns outside of the con (We need cute fursuitern and Nerf guns here)
-A szene of our rock band (We need electric guitars and drums here)
-A szene of the mystic looking fursuiters in a dark room
All those shoots will get announced at the con! We will print out papers with the time and date when we film, hang those papers out at the con and we hope that you guys are there to join us!
BUT PLEASE: Only Fursuiters. No more guys with a camera who walk into the picture.
You can also help us with equipment if you want. We have no problem to work with the stuff that we own like last year, but if we have the possibilities to make it better - Why not ?
We would like to use:
- 5DMK3 with 16-35mm or 17-40mm
and maybe a battery grip
- Glidecam HD-4000
- Glidecam X10
- 7D or other cams with 60+fps for SlowMo shots
You may support us with: Instruments for a Rock Band which fits to the song, Nerf/Larp Guns who fit the Con rules.
If you have something of that and you want to support us, we would be really happy. We will of course be liable for any damage. We know this equipment and have used it before, we just didn't own it.
If not - We will use just our own equipment, nothing to worry

If we have more fursuiters then we need, we will choose some of them who fit the best for the scene. It makes no sense to have a rock band out of 30 fursuiters ;-)
Best regards, Keks & Parrot