Just a Funny Idea i used to do with Friends The previous years at EF, we also do it at my Office, it could be fun if more people do it!
During EF its quite fun to
Bring a pedometer (a step counter) in the pocket and compare the values with friends!
If you are "active" at EF youd be quite surprised!
I am quite social moving around EF, mixed time walking , fursuiting, sitting, i managed to walk 30Km at EF only! i wonder how much more it might be for the Staff!
They exist as Phone "Apps" or as a little circuits you place in your pocketYou can simply download free programs for Smartphones to count steps (Noom Walk is a nice one)
or simply have an hardware pedometer in the pocket or around a necklace (while fursuiting, worn inside) -those cost as low as 5 euros (more if you want to plot and weekly stats)
I am curious to see what kind of fury "walks the most" at EF - but my guess would be the security staff and con-ops x )
What do you think?
6-2-1!just like the 6 hours of sleep, 2 meals, and 1 shower per day (at least!)
Being active is also it is also healty and fun

I know its vacations! I know the beer is good there! but don't be too lazy spending the whole EF at the bar either