Eurofurence Community > Eurofurence Media

EF 20 in the news

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--- Quote from: Jorinda on 26.08.2014, 17:30:10 ---But all in all, the article wasn't bad.
--- End quote ---

Dunno, I've seen better. Half of the "Independent" article was talking about furry fandom not being about sex, and quotes like "only 37% of furry respondents claimed that sexual interest is important to their furry activities" don't really convey a neutral message either. - I like the "Tagesspiegel" article, I think that one got it right (even the jargon) and was quite informative.


--- Quote from: Chakat Blacktail on 26.08.2014, 18:08:40 ---I found the pics and a few of the suiters are show without head
like this one

--- End quote ---

and this

James The Dog:
I picked up a newspaper at Schonefeld Airport on Sunday that has a 5-page spread on EF- if anyone here's seen it, it would be good to get a translation!


Thanks nobs! The (German) Google translation is great :)

"Festival der größten europäischen Kuscheltiere", "Hunderte von Teilnehmern in allen Arten von ausgestopften Tieren, spielen Künstler, Tierforscher, Schriftsteller, Tänzer gekleidet Marionetten" :D :D


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