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EF 20 in the news

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James The Dog:
Funnily enough I actually saw the Russia Today people when they were filming in the hotel lobby, in fact I actually made a tweet about it at the time!

about Kage's "Science, Pseudoscience and Outright Crap” from the German group GWUP "Die Skeptiker":

This is a very nice piece by Arte! They were filming all day, very nice people.


--- Quote from: Carbine on 09.09.2014, 01:50:34 ---This is a very nice piece by Arte! They were filming all day, very nice people.

--- End quote ---
Yeah, that one came out quite ok, but I am wondering about the footage from the artshow. Were they allowed to film there? Some of that footage looks like it was taken secretly. Luckily enough they didn't show the adult stuff.
Alpha Ki did a good job with that interview, although it was shortened as usual.


--- Quote from: CleanerWolf on 09.09.2014, 18:10:53 ---Yeah, that one came out quite ok, but I am wondering about the footage from the artshow. Were they allowed to film there?

--- End quote ---

Yes, all filming was fully authorised, including the artshow shots. The artists gave their permissions for the closeups.

--- Quote ---Luckily enough they didn't show the adult stuff.
--- End quote ---

As if that italian artist wasn't adult enough :)


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