Eurofurence Community > Eurofurence Media

EF 20 in the news

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Basil Lion:

--- Quote from: Cubitus on 10.09.2014, 14:32:20 ---
--- Quote from: Codewolf on 10.09.2014, 12:37:04 ---Is there anyone who would be able and willing to do an English subtitle, or at least synopsis for us poor ignorant English people? :P

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Yes. I have already translated the spoken content. Please give me a day to include it in the video in a legal (with the consent of arte) and proper way. I'd prefer a smooth integration over simply a script you have to read parallel to watching the video)

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Awesome! Thanx! :)

Hey Basil and all other german-disabled people in the world!

Took me a day more but I finalized a set of english subtitles for the (IMHO) superb EF 20 Video © by Arte. To keep all rights preserved, you'll find the subtitles (supertitles, to be precise :) prefixed to the original arte website.

Click here for ->> the English version.

For best viewing experience, scroll the video so it shows at the very top, then start the video, and in the moment you hear the first tone of the clip, start the subtitles, too.

I hope you'll enjoy the video even more now!

Cubitus ●●●●


--- Quote from: Cubitus on 09.09.2014, 19:24:44 ---All thumbs up! Please link this when promoting the next con. It should be a standard "How to EF" or so :)

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Sorry, but SERIOUSLY?!? It's about the subculture and not about Eurofurence in particular.
This is no Eurofurence promotion video...

Since everybody is experiencing his or her first furry con in a total different way (most of the "newbies" followed "experienced" friends anyway) it doesn't make any sense, imho, to give a "how to EF" or "how to be furry the right way" guidance. And all you need to know about "how to EF" you'll find in the conbook.

Basil Lion:

--- Quote from: Cubitus on 11.09.2014, 21:12:29 ---Hey Basil and all other german-disabled people in the world!
Click here for ->> the English version.

--- End quote ---

Thank you ^^

The subtitles didn't sync here with my Chrome (Version 39.0.2150.5 dev-m) if there is a way to help you fixing it just drop me a note.


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