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EF20 feedback

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--- Quote from: Fafnir Kristensen on 02.09.2014, 11:34:22 ---for me the current situation seems a good compromise between crowd management and bidder flexibility but I would certainly dislike more drastic/coercive measures

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I am trying to avoid measures that are not really necessary. Making changes right and left just for the sake of making changes is just confusing. I believe the current status works for now; if we encounter shifts in the status, we can still think about adjustments.

--- Quote from: Kamuniak on 02.09.2014, 19:38:29 ---What if only people who have already set bids to certain art, would be allowed to add new bids to that piece when panel is closing?

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That would be quite difficult to check: You'd have to read the bidsheet every time some new bid is placed, during the already hurried situation at closing, and decide whether a new bid is allowed. Like other ideas, this would only be possible if the whole bidding process is supported by automation.

--- Quote from: Ralesk on 02.09.2014, 19:44:46 ---I'm not sure how common that really is — someone bidding on something they don't really want, just to make things worse for other bidders (and eventually better for the artist, again).

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Rather unlikely because whenever you bid on something, you run the risk of being the last bidder and must buy something you didn't really want.

just a quick post about queuing:,5794.0.html


--- Quote from: Token on 01.09.2014, 12:07:34 ---
--- Quote from: timoran on 31.08.2014, 06:32:50 ---[…] territorial about their minibar […] We should be able to use the minibar to store our own drinks

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And concerning the minibar: You are wrong, not all hotels allow emptying the minibar and those who do, often charge a fee. Their internal storage-room for minibar-stuff was simply overfilled after so many people requested it. I am sure something can be worked out in the next years. But this was the very first year for us and them!

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Does this minibar problem really exist?

I was also very concerned and surprised by this after reading the forum prior to EF. The problem seemed strange and illogical to me so I decided to check with the hotel staff and see how they would explain to me why I could not use a fridge in my room too cool my mineral water and such.

I went to this guy:

And he told me it was OK to use the minibar fridge to cool my drinks. And it was OK to remove minibar contents as long as all the bottles were visible when they checked the minibar. So I put all the minibar contents RIGHT NEXT to the fridge and used it for my own beverages till the end of the convention.

I asked the same in e-mail and was told differently: that they can't empty the minibar and I will have to pay for everything I remove — so we decided not to touch it at all.

That said the room was cool enough for our mineral water and coke, so in the end we didn't really need it anyway :)  Friends had a car coolbox + AC converter for the Snack Exchange stuff, and that thing wasn't deemed an issue either.

We talked about the minibar topic in our debriefing with the management. They were basically totally surprised by the amount of requests, and then again surprised by how our attendees would get creative to circumvent the posted rules. We all agreed that there will be a clear, pragmatic solution for the minibar problem next year.

(It will be something along the lines of "You are allowed to empty the minibar as long as all contents are lined up clearly visible next to it so housekeeping can check it at a glance" or something similar. We'll keep you updated when this becomes official.)


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