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EF20 feedback

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--- Quote from: BD on 03.09.2014, 22:59:28 ---
--- Quote from: Ralesk on 03.09.2014, 12:45:05 ---Absolutely! :)  That reminds me, there was a fursuiter with a trombone somewhere in the back third of the parade.  That was great as well.

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Yes, I met him too but didn't get his name. It must have been the same trombone-playing guy (how many trombones are there at a furry con?!) who joined us in the Sunday afternoon music jam which was a real blast, lots of people ended up joining in and singing along and generally making a joyful racket.

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I seem to remember seeing Blaster Hedgie with a trombone at some point during the con, though I might be mistaken... o.o


--- Quote from: Masada on 27.08.2014, 01:27:40 ---In the fursuit lounge I saw someone blatantly stand up, take out his cellphone and started recording everything around him. Not a minute before, I was asked to put away my cellphone when I was just checking to see if I had a message.

The request to put it away was friendly and I complied. But to have someone stand up and be /care about it was awkward and I didn't know what to do with the situation. I guess mentioning it now is too late, but I feel like this should be addressed as a good concern for the future.

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Most important thing first: We been saying this for years, we will be saying it again, and is written in bold letters on the sign at the lounge entry:

Photography is a reoccuring issue with the lounge and it mean walking a narrow line.
If we check people too stricly, we're called Lounge-Nazis that make everything so complicated and unfirendly. And really.. Security taking away peoples phones? I really don't want to see this.
If we rely more on peoples common sense, someone will sneak in a camera and take pics, until someone tells him to not do it.

(I take the priviledge to exclude myself from this rule. I, and I only, will occasionally take out my cam to take photos for EF internal documentation. But luckily people know who I am. )

Yes,we found one fursuiter posting a short video of himself on youtube, warned him to take it down immediately, and he instantly complied and begged pardon.

--- Quote ---I also heard about a photographer selling pics of people that were headless to a newssite, including me. I would love to know how that is possible, as he would have to have sneaked into the fursuit lounge. I didn't see the picture as it was removed, but I'm definitely not ok with this.

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The problem here starts with "I also heard.." and immediately goes into "how is that possible?"
I'd rather if people didn't listen to the rumor mill. Because it was NOT possible.

The true story:
There was a private Lacy-Fursuit-Photoshoot, that was not handled by EF, taken in a location that was not part of the EF convention location. The people running this shoot did allow a photographer in, who claimed to be taking pics only for himself. Pictures of this shooting ended up sold/published to the media yes. Feel free to take legal action against this photographer.
While EF-staff is very unhappy about this incident, and definately has this person on a blacklist now, it is not acceptable to blame us for that, because this was in no way an EF event, and not even on EF location.  :)

EDIT: I just realised this issue has wide been explained already, and feel stupid now :-) With doing all the stuff-stuff, and concrud, and travel, i'm a bit late with working through the forum.

And here's a bit of knowledge for everyone who found that neon swan installation in the beergarden either amusing, or weird, or kinky, or startling:

It's neither of that, it is a depiction of acient greek mythology.
The swan is godfather Zeus. You can learn about it if you search for
Leda and the swan.

Greek mythology is amusing, and weird, and kinky, and startling.

I prefer my big squeaky swan in the pool. :P


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