Eurofurence Information > Feedback

EF20 feedback

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--- Quote from: Fafnir Kristensen on 26.08.2014, 15:50:40 ---a few questions about this: at the Maritime, on one side of the hotel, it was possible to open the door from both side, was this a very special case of that hotel? was it something which was specially arranged for us? what kind of regulation allowed that to be possible in the Maritime but may not be the same elsewhere?

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Quite simple. The Maritim is built with indoor staircases (that's why they had those bigass fans in there) and the emergency doors there lead to the lobby and ultimately the main/rear entrances.

The Estrel is built with outdoor staircases, and hence the emergency doors on the ground floor lead outside, since it would make no sense to dump people from 13 floors up into a narrow hallway and have them scramble for the main exit.

So, blame the architect. :)

Quincy the Raccoon:

--- Quote from: doco on 26.08.2014, 16:10:23 ---

Quite simple. The Maritim is built with indoor staircases (that's why they had those bigass fans in there) and the emergency doors there lead to the lobby and ultimately the main/rear entrances.

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I remember those... darn, those things were LOUD! (Maybe handy though for the fursuitlounge?  ;D Just kidding here...)


--- Quote from: BigBlueFox on 26.08.2014, 01:50:20 ---
--- Quote from: Cyrilius on 25.08.2014, 20:40:37 ---The only thing that bothered me, was the way how the delay at the pawpet-show was handled over EF-Prime. Can't speak for the people in the queue as I don't know if they were better informed, but I think it's a bit rude to simply state "Show will start in 10 minutes" and after the timer reaches 1 minute, it was simply set back to +/-10 minutes... Somehow I don't think that anybody responsible really thought that it would really start in 1o minutes, as in the end it took about 2 hours... I think it would have been better to set it to a more realistic time... like for example one hour.

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Thanks for your feedback, but we strongly depend on statements by the stage and pawpet crew, and when all we get is a "It's done when it's done", we cannot do anything about it.

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So, how long does it take to find all the easter eggs that mom has hidden in the guarden? It's not that we have that information, and don't give it to you. Some things are actually impossible to predict ... at least it's impossible to be more precise then "It'll take hours" or "It'll take minutes".  That is especially true for technical problems. If you fix one problem, and find another one, it'll take longer than you thought it would.

There's not that "one single thing" that went wrong with the pawpetshow this year. We'll do our homework and see what we can do to make those failures less likely the next time, but we can never be sure.  It's also not only the complexity of the show itself. We've had much simpler shows blow up in similar ways. Technically, this show was not more complex than last years.

But if your PC suddenly blows up at 3am during the dress rehearsal and takes 3 hours to fix ... how much do you add to your delay estimate?


All I can say that I'm sorry for the waiting, and that (like always) we'll do everything to prevent that from happening.

What really impressed me was the friendly professional service of the hotel from the first day. I experienced several other houses at several occasions when they were crowded (including the Maritim in the first year) that were absolutely not capable of handling a crowd of (paying!) people. The Estrel just did. This is amazing.

What I did not like was the sound quality of the stage events on EFprime. I guess this has been addressed often enough. I hope this can be fixed next year. If it helps I can offer my knowledge of electronics and some equipment.

And I hope we get a bigger main stage next year. After the opening ceremony I just didn't dare to queue another time there.

A small thing: Maybe we can arrange a simpler house keeping service the next time. I tried to address this, but the answer was basically "we have to keep your standard". This is really nice. But after 4 people "checking" the room and occupying it for more than 20min, we decided to "work around" and keeping the "do not disturb" sign on the door even when we left the room most of the time. It's really nice to have a tidy room, but you can also overdo it.

And another small thing. The "easy check-out" should be promoted the right time. Most people do not read all that stuff that is written in the hotel room. Most of it is advertising for pay-per-view or other boring stuff. Telling people in the check-out queue they should have used easy check-out is not very nice. And telling them it is "automatic" when they paid with credit card neither. Especially when you need the registration desk to leave the parking house...

So enough of the grouching: Great hotel, great event. I had my fun. Thanks to all the entire staff of EF and Estrel. CU next year.


--- Quote from: nobs on 26.08.2014, 20:00:03 ---A small thing: Maybe we can arrange a simpler house keeping service the next time. I tried to address this, but the answer was basically "we have to keep your standard". This is really nice. But after 4 people "checking" the room and occupying it for more than 20min, we decided to "work around" and keeping the "do not disturb" sign on the door even when we left the room most of the time. It's really nice to have a tidy room, but you can also overdo it.

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If you left the "DnD"-Sign at the door for more than two days, they checked anyways. The way this was handled has been raised with the hotel, as some people felt somewhat uncomfortable. But at the same time you have to understand, that quiet a few of people treated the rooms/doors/whatnot in really bad ways.
I think this is one of the typical 'rough edges' that need to be worked out over the next years. I am sure they will improve. But at the same time, maybe raise the issue on-site next time with the hotel, suggesting a different time-slot or something like this. :-)

--- Quote from: nobs on 26.08.2014, 20:00:03 ---And another small thing. The "easy check-out" should be promoted the right time. Most people do not read all that stuff that is written in the hotel room. Most of it is advertising for pay-per-view or other boring stuff. Telling people in the check-out queue they should have used easy check-out is not very nice. And telling them it is "automatic" when they paid with credit card neither. Especially when you need the registration desk to leave the parking house...

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Yes, I also did not know that until now, actually. :-P But should it be written into the conbook? Then, still, nobody would know this. xD Let us assume that it will spread by itself next year simply out of the convenience it brings. :-)

Best wishes,


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