Eurofurence Information > Feedback

EF20 feedback

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I think sticking to this would be a very bad idea, there have been lots of issues with the artist lounge(s). Of course the lounges were used because there was simply no other place to draw, but often they were way too crowded. Also keep in mind that EF will continue to grow, so what has been packed this time will become even more packed next year.
I can't do much except urging you to not just ignore this issue.


--- Quote from: karpour on 05.09.2014, 11:38:16 ---I think sticking to this would be a very bad idea, there have been lots of issues with the artist lounge(s). Of course the lounges were used because there was simply no other place to draw, but often they were way too crowded. Also keep in mind that EF will continue to grow, so what has been packed this time will become even more packed next year.
I can't do much except urging you to not just ignore this issue.

--- End quote ---

I'm afraid it's not a matter of ignoring the issue, it's a question of what rooms are available at all (and which we will be able to afford), and what purpose we can assign to a room. Between these two factors, we need to find a compromise.

Oh yes, and some groups (like security) also have needs for the location of their rooms, so it's even more complicated.

There is already a huge internal thread probing possibilities for room usage, and it shows that the Estrel caters either to conferences with comparatively small panel rooms in the hotel itself, or to mass events with huge audiences and the appropriate hall size in the ECC. What we need are many rooms in between, which physically don't exist. So we have to make do with what can be implemented.

Clearly, a growing con would give us more room options to operate with. But that is a question of planning that is still in progress. I am pretty sure that better solutions will become available if not next year, then the year after that.

The current plan is the best what you an do with the -current- room situation. Any other combination will lead to even less space.
I don't ignore the problem, I really do care about the Artists, but there is just nothing I can do about it right now.
Nizza has ~86m² . The 24/7 open Lounge has ~40m². Combines its more space than last year. (110m²)


--- Quote from: Akulatraxas on 05.09.2014, 12:11:35 ---The current plan is the best what you an do with the -current- room situation. Any other combination will lead to even less space.
I don't ignore the problem, I really do care about the Artists, but there is just nothing I can do about it right now.
Nizza has ~86m² . The 24/7 open Lounge has ~40m². Combines its more space than last year. (110m²)

--- End quote ---

To be clear, we are going to get more function space next year, but we're in negotiations, and I can't say how much it will be. Please stay tunes. (Aku: You posted some space requirements in the internal forum ... is extra space for the artist lounge already included in that? If no, can you please add it? This would be very helpful.)

Now that we're on the subject of space..


There were major bottlenecks throughtout the convention at the Atrium: around the bar and by the fountain/pool? This was mostly due to the way the whole area was closely packed with tables and chairs for the restaurants and bars - leaving only a two-to-three people wide (two fursuiters max. wide) passage for 2000 attendees to move and hangaround. Anyone stopping around here to chat or a take picture of a fursuiter - or a fursuiter posing for a photo - would instantly stop all traffic flow through the whole Atrium. The only other passage being the even narrower corridor next to the Wing2 lifts and Ops...

I assume you have a plan to have a discussion with the hotel to rearrange the Atrium to create a bit more space for traffic - as well as plan for the 'hanging around' areas not to obstruct the traffic flow. I know a lot of people are wishing for more sofas everywhere to sit on - but I'm afraid if these are placed too close to passages and doors they will gather furballs who will then block everything. I know hanging around is important but so is getting to events in time.

Hopefully next year we'll have plenty of space and even perhaps a bar at the widely spaced conference center side where there is room galore >:3

Open Stage for impromtu live performances and fureoke:

I would have to say that fureoke was my favourite thing of EF20 (if it wasn't for the magnificent and moving PPS ^^'). The open stage was well placed but could've been even better as 360-degree stage with the extra fake wall removed. I know it was for lighting effects and projection but these could be achieved by suspending a separate screen in the air - visible from one side of the stage - while leaving the stage itself and the performers visible from anywhere in the Estrel Saal passage/foyer... Just an idea ^^'

PS: you wouldn't want to invite silverfox5231 to see the pawpetshow >:P


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