Eurofurence Information > Feedback

EF20 feedback

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@Starfighter Suicune:
I accidently was given a shirt in XXL instead of XL. If I can get one in XL, your roomie could get mine.

Generally I found things to be not all that bad and most of the issues beyond the control of the con or hotel staff. The lifts for example were failing a fair bit, but that's what happens when you suddenly expect them to deal with a lot more than they are normally expected to cope with. A few times though people did push up through to get in rather than waiting in a queue, however you cannot hold anyone except the individuals responsible for rude behaviour.

I didn't really get the mini stage as it would have been nicer to just have the open space, though it did get used for some events. I'd have suggested locating in in the glassed area on the way to the dealers den would have been a better choice to locate it. I suppose the idea was to create a social space to be used and it did seem to enjoy some success in that regard.

The suit lounge was nicely equipped to handle suiters, the usual problem of dryers being hogged and people not removing suits/paws/heads when dry. Another thing that is down to bad behaviour as opposed to fault of the convention.

I did encounter a problem of one of my cooling vests going missing, but would like to personally thank the security staff involved in that for doing their best to help with that. I would suggest that conops might be better if it had an open public desk all the time.

The only real problems I would like to raise are the fursuit photoshoot, delayed due to other events running late, but really we had no idea where we should meet or which way to face. We couldn't hear anything except when Codewolf shouted to tell us which way to look, thank you Code :) I'd have been facing the wrong way otherwise. I think really it was just down to a lack of clear information, so just something that could do with some posters in the lounge and such so the information is in more places. The other thing was the fursuit walk, nothing was wrong with the walk route itself it was more the waiting around and again lack of clear information on what was happening. Lots of milling around and being hot isn't that fun.

Overall things worked well, I was quite happy wandering around in my tshirts and suiting wasn't that problematic. It might be an idea if there was a schedule published for EF Prime, I really liked just watching some of the things going on and it was nice to be told about one of my own videos making it on there :)

James The Dog:

--- Quote from: ANTIcarrot on 24.08.2014, 13:17:17 --- Forcing people to queue next to the smoking area for three hours. Security failing to stop those two groups mixing.
--- End quote ---

In a similar vain, when it came to the group photo, however much I don't like taking my fursuit head off in public view, I had to because of people smoking and the smoke filling up the inside of my fursuit head... ugh. And similarly people smoking in the queue itself- when you're in a queue and someone lights up, it's not like you can move away easily, and if you get out the queue then you lose your place. Would it be too much to ask people not to smoke in either the queues or while waiting for the photo?

Another thing was the fursuit group photo- it was tweeted that it had been delayed to 22:20, so I suited up and headed down arrived about 5-10 minutes before then, but when I got there, it seemed the photo had already been taken and everyone had left to the fursuit lounge. And the fursuit friendly dance was advertised as starting straight after the photo, but it didn't begin until around 45 minutes later.


--- Quote from: Cyrilius on 25.08.2014, 20:40:37 ---The only thing that bothered me, was the way how the delay at the pawpet-show was handled over EF-Prime. Can't speak for the people in the queue as I don't know if they were better informed, but I think it's a bit rude to simply state "Show will start in 10 minutes" and after the timer reaches 1 minute, it was simply set back to +/-10 minutes... Somehow I don't think that anybody responsible really thought that it would really start in 1o minutes, as in the end it took about 2 hours... I think it would have been better to set it to a more realistic time... like for example one hour.

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Thanks for your feedback, but we strongly depend on statements by the stage and pawpet crew, and when all we get is a "It's done when it's done", we cannot do anything about it.

I'll try to keep this short.

Hotel was nice enough, I do miss the disco-ball in the lobby though. Deposit charges during check-in came as a little bit of a surprise, as they wanted 600€ each from me and my roommate plus room at first. I did manage to negotiate the charges down after I explained my entire account doesn't even have that much money in it (and it's a debit card so it would have overdrawn my account immediately). In the end they took room+75€. This was not mentioned during registration I believe, or in the emails I got from the hotel. In Finland no hotel does this, and when I asked my bank a week before con they thought I was being scammed. No problems in the end, but a little forewarning would have been appreciated.

Staff was helpful and polite, and the concierge service especially proved useful. I appreciated the gesture made during the opening ceremony by the hotel manager regarding next year, and I instantly felt welcome. Pricing at the bars was decent after EF-pricing came into effect and the service was great, though it was a little bit of a shame they seemed to close very early (private bar for the Saturday dance was a great idea). Not much to complain here, I just wished they could keep the bars open a little longer next year.

Too expensive for everyday eating at the hotel with my budget, luckily enough there were "restaurants" and a Netto across the bridge. Which, conveniently....brings me to my biggest complaint this year...

This is what I had the most problem with during EF. The immediate area around the hotel seems a "little" ghetto-ish, and I was really nervous about going outside to the store alone, especially later at night. We got harassed by local bums begging for money near the Netto, some locals stopped a car while we were outside suiting near the road and yelled....let's just say not particularly nice things out the windows, very loudly. I was never afraid around Magdeburg, but I wouldn't wonder around the Estrel at night without a decent sized group. This made finding alternate places to eat difficult, and I found myself hiding my badges under my shirt when I left the immediate surroundings of the hotel because I didn't feel safe.

All in all it was a good con. I had to miss the paw pet show because I didn't feel like wasting half a day standing in line, but I still got to see most stage events I wanted.
Big thanks to the fursuit lounge staff, it was a little crowded in there, but the private balcony was a nice touch.
Dances were great despite being slightly late ;), but I still managed to tire myself out.
Basically, assume that if I don't have anything to complain about it, I liked it or at least found it satisfactory.

And bring back 80s dance next year, all night, every night. That is all.


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