Random collection of things without actually even reading the thread:
+ Thank you and fokken finally for the storage corner at the dealer's den! Coupled with the lifts being a total arse this was a life-saver feature. Thank you for listening to our (my) complaints about the lack of storage

+ Nice and pleasant hotel, absolutely wonderful breakfast, a good amount of lounge space
− Utterly shite lifts and not much of a way around them. I hope the stairs get opened next year (somehow) — must be totally annoying for people on the first floor to wait 30 minutes for something that can be done in one.
± Not entirely sure the location of the two artist lounges were the best. I guess it would be better if they could be closer to each other somehow, next year?
− Dead Dog Party doesn't really feel the same anymore — but I see it's a technical reason at least in part (no bar and lounging area in the designated dance room). But it also felt different because it was just a smaller continuation of the previous night's party: same kind of music for example.
+ The Pawpet Show was great. Loved the theme, loved the performance, understand the frustration of those in the queue (I guess we got lucky: came back too late from the Italians, had a bottle of wine in the Biergarten, and all of a sudden people were gone) but it was handled quite well by AJA and Kage from what I've seen of it. They seem to work really well together, as seen on DDP day too.
± Location. Bit far from the lively parts of town, but not too far from civilisation. Can't really make my mind up about it — food sources and shopping places are within perfectly walkable distances.
− Location. Getting the city involved in our Fursuit Parade is one of the greatest — and imo most important — aspects of a fursuit walk. It is a real shame we don't have an opportunity to turn the town on its head like we had in Nürnberg and Magdeburg.
+ Totally loved Sardyuon's performance, he was a great choice for GoH for sure!