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Best EF ever / best 4 days in my furry life


EF 20 a resume

In general
First I must say I absolutely enjoyed the convention. It was a trip to wonderland and back which cannot be really described with words but has to be felt. But I will try to put my impressions in words :). It was a collection of superlatives from every side. My first EF was EF3 and even for me it this a great experience. Since the last EF I attended was EF7 (200 furs) this one was really overwhelming (>2000 furs) and I needed to get used to it on the first day but after that I enjoyed each minute. :)

I met so many new people and old friends which was very nice. It was lovely to talk to the artists in the dealers den. The panels have also been very nice interesting and encouraging. One topic that EosFoxx (Panel: How to draw animals) said was: "Dream it, draw it, relax on it!" :)
Finally I got a crafter that maybe does me some suitable otter paws for me ;) The art show showcased great stuff from simple drawings portraits to even crafted bat masks.
The whole atmosphere was really harmonic and friendly. What I loved most was the internationality. I met people from all over the world, USA, Kanada, Japan, Russia, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Finland etc. Thanks to you all it was a great time meeting you!

The location
Also the location it was held was very nice. The Estrel Team was very friendly and it seemed that they really enjoyed the conventions as well. The head manager even promised that they would wear suits the next time. In fact they envied the furs because of their great costumes. They told us that from over 10000 conventions hold this one was the most craziest.

Endless creativity

Speaking of fursuits the quality (compared with EF7) was very high and creativity endless. One of my favourites was the Fursuit by Gearhawk which resembled a absolutely realistic hawk. Only the foot claws have been missing (he was wearing shoes), but: he could even spread/fold his wings to an enourmous wingspan and with his beak he could also create hawk like cries. Wow that was really cool. The most craziest but greatly done suit was that of a chimera which was a mixture of: wolf, shark, crab who was wearing a snake with glowing eyes. That was really creepy but well done. There was even an anthropomorphic PLANE completely with wings.
Besides that there havent´t been only fursuits. In some cases peoples were also dressed like in a gothic convention.

Besides the art the music was also amazing. Fox Amoore did a great job in composing the music for the Paw Pet Show. I visited both concerts his "Come Find Me"-concert which was absolutely amazing and the charity concert where he showed his improvisation skills. I absolutely enjoy his music he is greatly skilled on the piano. Besides that he is an absolutely friendly and nice guy. It was nice to meet you Fox!

Unfortunately I missed Saduyons show but I saw him in the charity concert doing some juggling. Very nice fursuit and awesome guy. He danced with us together in the evenings. Big greetings to Japan!

Finally I got a chance to view the famous paw pet show. Man this was a great eperience. After the first minutes I forgot that the characters were puppets. The whole arrangement was lovely. It send me shivers up my spine. It was a mixture of feelings: Sometimes it was really funny, but sometimes it was very creepy. Especially Eisfuchs who spoke the voice of the villain priest was really convincing. There have been some breaks which have been filled with funny advertising movies or cartoons. It was a great show and great story thanks to Cheetah and Eisfuchs. The artwork by Alector Fencer was amazing (was nice to meet and talk to you at the dealers den). Fox Amoores music rounded up this amazing production with his awesome orchestral composition. Thanks a lot for this great show!

Doing good things

What I absolutely loved was how many people donated money for the charity including me too. The last number I know was about 16000€! The guy of "Aktion Fledermaus" was so flattened that he even asked if he could come to the next EF again (probably with a bat fursuit, who knows ;). He said he wanted to do a similar convention like the EF for his bat project.

The Organisation

First. Compared with EF19 the number of furries attending EF20 raised by 45%! Together with the new location this raised some unexpected problems the EF organization team had to deal with. Yes I know some presentations like the PawPetShow, etc. have been delayed. But I must say it wasn`t that bad. Handling >2000 furries with all those events going on is not an easy task. Even for the hotel it wasn´t. The elevators regularly failed. It wasn`t really a problem to cope with the delays. I used the free time talking to the people waiting on the lane. Big greetings to Ukraine Izi ;) The shows haven been well worth the wait and I think the next time the organization team will be prepared better. To sum it up I think they did a great job giving us all alot of joy at this lovely Eurofurence ;) Thanks a lot Cheetah for this awesome convention!!!!

It was like a BIIIG Family and I must say I am a little sad that its over now.
I will upload some pictures so you get some impressions of it.
Big greeting to everyone that attended EF20. The best 4 days in my furry life ;)
Thank you all you rock and see you again next year! it was and always will be!

Yours webbed one


I just can second this.


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