Eurofurence Community > Eurofurence Media

EF20 pictures

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Here are mine:

Eurofurence 20 by

Some days ago, I also finally uploaded my 200 photos of Eurofurence 20. :)
You can find them right here:

(Click on the picture and then on "All photos" on the left side to see all 200 photos, alternatively just klick -here-)

If you find some photos of you and you like them, feel free to use and reupload them to pages like FA, etc. but please include a short mention of me as photographer in the description. :3
You can also ask me, if you would like to have some of your pictures in original-resolution.^^

And here's also a link to my gallery on Furcon:

Official "dragon-x2 fursuits" group photo:

Any sign of photos from the little shoot that happened down by the sections of the wall with the prop car?
Missed the official photoshoot but stopped by this one :)


--- Quote from: Axle on 19.09.2014, 19:47:01 ---Any sign of photos from the little shoot that happened down by the sections of the wall with the propr car?
Missed the official photoshoot but stopped by this one :)

--- End quote ---

They need to be properly labelled, but are done otherwise. Expect them to be uploaded in the next few days. Although there is at least one group pic where there will be an identification request on twitter...


My photos are online at:


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