Eurofurence Community > Eurofurence Media

EF 20 Videos

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--- Quote from: Bartimaeus on 06.09.2014, 02:25:32 ---So I started working through my videos from EF at 19:30 and its 4:20 in the morning now x_x
this happened
so... I think I should go to bed ._.

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OMG...that's hilarious  ;D

Arctic Steve:

--- Quote from: Bartimaeus on 05.09.2014, 22:37:03 ---So I've finally made my way through hundreds of gigabytes of video material filmed at EF20.
This is the result: Memories of Eurofurence 20, enjoy :P Coubs anyone? :D

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Oooo you got footage I was wanting to see from day 6. Thank you!

Stealing Ears xD
Eurofurence 20 Day 3-4
Eurofurence 20 Day 5
Eurofurence 20 Day 6

My :::> musicvideo <::: :3. Thanks to Eurofurence e.V., all the great suiters and everyone else having made this event so unforgettable. I love you x3! Please share and like it, when you like it ^.^.


--- Quote from: Calimdor on 14.09.2014, 16:00:23 ---My musivvideo :3. Thanks to Eurofurence e.V., all the great suiters and everyone else having made this event so unforgettable. I love you x3! Please share and like it, when you like it ^.^.
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Wow, that's truly a wonderful video! Thank you so much for bringing back all these great memories of an awesome convention with so many great fursuiters. <3
You did a really awesome job with the camera work and the cut of the video and the song you used is also a very good choice and fits perfectly to the whole atmosphere at this convention. :)

Great job, I really love this video! <3

And btw.: You should better fix the link.^^


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