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Cocktails at the bar

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--- Quote from: Tekumseh on 27.08.2014, 01:32:59 ---I can imagine that they were shocked by the critique coming in after nearly nobdy complained at the bar... but then it seems furries are much nicer than the average business people wanting to get a drink in the evening and dont want to ruin their mood by complaining at the barkeeper.

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I saw several people complaining over the con. And I did not stay at the bar often or for a long time ... now do the statistics. Maybe they do not count as a real complaint when they can solve it after the first approach. I don't think this is a good approach. See my earlier posting.

[edit: should not write english that late...]

My personal experience about the atrium bar:
Mojito very thin and without any brown sugar added.
The Estrel Drive was sometimes very good and sometimes it was like a cheap vitamin juice with added food coloring.
The Virgin Mojito (don't remember the name) was awesome.
The cocktails with the lowered price felt like they were more ice than the cocktail itself.
Long Island Ice tea once was good and once was a bit below average.

And the really bad thing that happened to me at Wednesday afternoon:
I ordered a big coke and a few seconds after touching the glass with my lips I had an instant lip herpes infection.
This is the thing I cannot understand as this sounds like they didn't clean their glasses really well all the time.
I really hope this was a "one time oopsie" - a REALLY bad one but still only something that didn't happen more than once.

[EDIT] Added information that it was the atrium bar every single time.


--- Quote from: carter on 27.08.2014, 21:54:34 ---I ordered a big coke and a few seconds after touching the glass with my lips I had an instant lip herpes infection.
This is the thing I cannot understand as this sounds like they didn't clean their glasses really well all the time.
I really hope this was a "one time oopsie" - a REALLY bad one but still only something that didn't happen more than once.

--- End quote ---

Looking at the cleaning process while waiting for my Berliner Weisse didn't make me want to use their glasses much, tbh.

Question: Is it normal that a coke (for 3.80€, was it?) is a glass filled to the top with ice, and the gaps sorta filled with coke?  I'm not really well experienced with hotels and soft drinks, but that seemed horrible to me.

On the plus side: when I just ordered a gin-tonic with unspecified gin, they gave me the cheapest one, and it was nice — I'm fairly sure on this part of the iron curtain I would have been sold the most expensive one :P

carter, ralesk, and the others: Can you add at which bar/restaurant you made bad (or good) experiences? My personal hypothesis is that one did pretty well, but the other did not ...

I tried... I really tried... and they failed whatever I ordered if they had to do more than just open a bottle - so mostly I had "Kalte Muschi" and alk free beer.

I had an Jehova once - it was tasty but there was no alcohol in there. I ask for a little "more umpf" when ordering but I got told that they would charge the little extra so I just took a normal one.

What disapointed me most was
- the dry wine I ordered. I got a glass of red wine from the one bottle they stored next to the coffee mashine and that wasn't dry at all - had four people tasted it and all said the same.
- the Caipirinha I just gave back since it was just white sugar, lemons, cheap window cleaner instead of Cachaca and ice cubes. They took it without asking and someone started using a shaker then - the second one tasted much better but still far away from what I expect for that price (21,- Euro for a Caipi and a Coke with rum... rip off!).

I gave them a chance to not ruin one of the simplest cocktails: black russian. They kind of failed on that as well - they used a shaker but the ice was to warm and it was washy (and still a rip off - 11 Euro for two cl!).

They need to do a better job on that or just get more of the "Kalte Muschi" next year!


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