Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Cocktails at the bar

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I had some outside. They were pretty good.

Blue Raptor:
I was disappointed that the constructive feedback we gave here from last year did not have such a great result.

Most of all, I found there was again a great difference in quality of drinks, and I was very disappointed they stuck with their prices for that.

When the next drink is such a gamble that can be as good as the last one, but also much worse, or made differently, or in a smaller glass, I am very hesitant to order one. Especially with prices like that. If the prices are moderate I can at least shrug it off when something is not great.
But with their pirces and random quality I ended up having only 5 or 6 cocktails over the entire 7 days, and otherswise stuck with cheaper drinks (beer, soda, kalte Muschi). That amount of cocktails I had at a single good night in the Maritim, so it is really their loss!

If they cannot go down with the prices because hotel policy, I hope they can give a discount on con badge, like Confuzzled did (20% off at the bar there). That also made you feel welcome and in a good happy mood and eager to spend more there. :)


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