Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Big thank you to the fursuit team 2014

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Thank you all for your positive feedback so far, it really warms my heart that you were satisfied with the fursuit lounge this year. <3
It's also great to hear that you think our team did a professional job on this, thanks a lot for that. :)

And helping fursuiters is of course also our job and it's a lot of fun doing this for you. ;)

Of course, the biggest thanks goes to our team-director Mystifur, who does this job for many many years now and who did again a really great job on organizing all the stuff concerning the fursuit lounge and leading our team very well. ;)

@yotie: Concerning the vacuum cleaner, we can maybe ask the hotel staff if they can borrow us one for next year. You can ask Mystifur for that.
But if it's possible also depends on the demand, how many furs besides you also require one of those. :3

Thank you very much for your kind words !

*pokes Klaatu* shush you :-P
We had an industrial vacuum cleaner sitting in the fursuit lounge near the repairs area.
It was bright yellow & blue, and by the noise I could hear it being used more than once during the last days.
Sorry if some people missed that. But as said, housekeeping would eagerly help out, if asked nicely.


--- Quote from: Mystifur on 27.08.2014, 22:09:08 ---We had an industrial vacuum cleaner sitting in the fursuit lounge near the repairs area.
It was bright yellow & blue, and by the noise I could hear it being used more than once during the last days.
--- End quote ---

Indeed! I found and used it lots this year!
Used it as a blower to dry neoprene glue, and as a vacuum to compress my fursuits ; )
thanks again : )

if i may do one little complain, it would be about fursuiters leaving their heads (or body) on he dryers during the entire con, wearing them only once - its very easy to notice which heads have been staying there for -loooong-
Same happens with EZwolf's supercooling tank - people leaving their PCM pouches dipping in it the entire time
crowd blocking the entrance of the FSlounge during main events

-dont leave your fursuit parts on the driers forever- (could maybe be enforced with cheap mechanical timers?)
-like i do, use a little "6 pack sized" cooler bag for the PCM, they keep the stuff solid the entire day and evening! Cool it in the morning or evening, and bring it back to your room -ready for use immediately ; )

The fursuit lounge this time was pretty cool.

I liked the idea of having a balcony to get outside.
There was always enough water, straws, cups and food everytime I got there. Special regards to that one guy who just seemed to hide somewhere in anticipation for someone to take a cup. Sometimes he replaced a cup from the box before I could take my hand away :D .... the box was an awesome idea too^^
And also good idea to have the fursuit lounge open all day n' night after the first day and not closing it 0100 like the conbook said. Thanks for this^^

Just one question: Is it necessary to ask fursuiters for their badge at the entrance of the suitlounge?

Thank you all for the positive feedback. It means a lot to the people inn my team.


Free slots on the dryer: Eurofurence has many cool things going on, and people forget about their suits. Or they plainly do not realize that others are waiting for a slot.
Now while we totally _could_ hover around the dryer, checking every 15 minutes if a suit is dry or not, this is really our very last resort. Not everyone likes their suit being handled, and people would be wondering where it was placed, and basically it would be a lot more work for us.

Here is where you come in: I call every eurofurence fursuiter to action! Make it a social meme. Make it known that it is common sense to remove the suits and heads. Remember people to take the suits away automatically. Twitter about it. Poke freinds. Send tweets to EF-prime, asking people to check their suits and make room.
Create awareness, shun dryer hogging, praise proper removal. So people realise that it's socially unacceptable to block a dryer much like not washing hands after taking a leak.
I am asking everyone of you to start creating this common sense.


As for the occasional passport and visa check at the fursuit entrance, let me put it this way:
Everyone in staff would very much love to have less work during the con :-)
So when we put extra work into something that at first glance seems complicated and is a bit of a nuissance to the attendees, yes, there is likely a very good reason behind this.
One of them might be: There is press in the house and we'd like to make sure that your inside out fursuits and heads don't end up in a shady magazine.
One might be that we need to make sure the non-suiting furry doesn't drink away all your precious fursuit drinks.
Think of it as the Eurofurence VIP-Lounge. You don't have a pass, you don't get in.

However, we are constantly working on improving our services and cause as little inconvenience as possible while making your stay more pleasant.


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