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Queues and Queuing: The Who, The Why, The Where and the When

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--- Quote from: OmniSable on 03.09.2014, 11:42:24 ---Excuse me for the stupid question, but it was possible to access the main stage during the event? I thought that I couldn't just walk in after everybody had seated and the show had started.

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It's possible, and perfectly acceptable to enter and leave whenever you like - as long as you do so quietly.

The Queueing for Pawpet Show

Disclaimer: some or all of these things might not have happened - but they happened for us on that epic night...

"Let's go!" "We can't" "Why not?" "We're waiting for the pawpet show." must've been days since we had last seen the end of the queue disappear somewhere behind around the corner of the hotel car park - and continue along the river towards the Polish border.

Dusk had gone and turned into a starry night sky filled by bats and the occasional howl of desperation by some newbie furry who'd accidental entered the queue not knowing the consequences of his actions...

The sound of old Mistyfur doing the rounds with his trusty drinks trolley was interrupted by a pizza taxi someone had ordered. As the night closed in, camp fires where lit, and then quickly extinguished by panicking security staff, afraid it would attract beast of the night (and also something about fire-safety)...

Juggling, group exercise and singing motivational songs - they were all we had after our cell phone batteries had dies. Up until then a new wave of making up memes about the queue had briefly overwhelmed the internet. Ones the power was gone there was only that one guy who went around handing out a newsletter called The Queue Times...

A furry volunteer organization had also sprung up headed by Alexander James Adams and a lab coat wearing microphone stand they call Kage - to entertain and help stranded furries in queues by bringing them drinks from the bar and reserving their place while they went to the toilet.

Most of the furries at our section of queue were veterans of old pawpet queues, with sturdy worn paws on the ground, used to the hardship of shuffling your weight around and taking the occasional step when the queue suddenly a moved a bit - and then stopped again for hours. Sometimes shouts from the head of the queue would would bring our hopes up - but they were for someone dropping a glass or bottle...

The veterans began telling stories of the queues they'd been in - back in EFxx where they had lost half the queue to a mountain flood... stories which got absurdly more ridiculous - but yet still tantalizingly more believable as our predicament pressed down on us...

There was nothing but to watch the anguished expressions on the faces of security furs. They were like mirror to our souls - terrifying but at the same time comforting. Each announcement of a further delay brought us closer to each other...

"The tears of the world are a constant quantity. For each one who begins to weep somewhere else another stops. The same is true of the laugher." - Samuel Beckett, Waiting for Godot

Credits to Alterlane and makarov223 and to all those furs who survived the queue with me! *hugs*

PS: Next year don't be surprised when I bring a foldable chair with me >:3


--- Quote from: Cheetah on 03.09.2014, 11:44:44 ---
--- Quote from: OmniSable on 03.09.2014, 11:42:24 ---Excuse me for the stupid question, but it was possible to access the main stage during the event? I thought that I couldn't just walk in after everybody had seated and the show had started.

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It's possible, and perfectly acceptable to enter and leave whenever you like - as long as you do so quietly.

--- End quote ---

*headdesks* I missed out so much. So stupid of me X(


--- Quote from: OmniSable on 03.09.2014, 11:46:33 ---
--- Quote from: Cheetah on 03.09.2014, 11:44:44 ---
--- Quote from: OmniSable on 03.09.2014, 11:42:24 ---Excuse me for the stupid question, but it was possible to access the main stage during the event? I thought that I couldn't just walk in after everybody had seated and the show had started.

--- End quote ---

It's possible, and perfectly acceptable to enter and leave whenever you like - as long as you do so quietly.

--- End quote ---

*headdesks* I missed out so much. So stupid of me X(

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I'm sorry! *hugs* But at least you get extra points for being super-polite :)


--- Quote from: Tinka on 03.09.2014, 11:46:11 ---The Queueing for Pawpet Show

--- End quote ---


To everyone in that queue: We are sincerely sorry! We felt like we had things under control when we started setting up, but we completely underestimated a couple of things. We are very impressed that so many peple STAYED in the queue, though! By the time we started, we thought we had lost at least half of our audience - and still the room was packed to the last row. I mean, it's not like we forced anybody to stay in that queue for four hours - there were many other things to do.

Expectations seemed to be really high, and I hope we were able to deliver - albeit much, MUCH too late.

Thank you so much for your loyalty, your patience and support!


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