I just called the Wildtierhilfe Fiel and talked to Rosi (I did not say anything yet about possibly being charity again this year).
I 100% support the suggestion to make them our charity again (and I would be more than happy to let them know as soon as possible, also to give them hope, which they desperately need right now).
I told her know that we are all thinking of them, spread the word and will donate. Rosi sends her warmest thank yous and greetings to everybody that we are still thinking of them. They are very desperate and it almost made me cry to hear her talking about it all. She told me how fast it happened with the storm, about 80% of the enclosures are destroyed or damaged (it was really the worst of bad luck that it hit them). Whole cages simply flew away (they don't even know where they ended up). They managed to put the animals in the remaining enclosures to keep them safe. Worst thing is that the insurances they have and paid for are giving them a very hard time, avoiding to pay and find excuses why things are not covered. So unfortunately they won't be able to expect much hope from them.

Yes, they will continue their work. It's their life. Rosi said it is very hard to go on and that she cries a lot (especially such smart-ass comments by some people like "just move somewhere else" are giving her a horribly hard time, which is the least thing they need right now), but when she thinks of all the good people who offer help and all the animals rescued (and to come in spring), it gives them the strength to go on. 12 years of their work was almost destroyed. I think, making them charity again this year at EF21, would be more than justified, and probably the most needed help we ever were able to give (yes, they do need most of the help right now, but they almost lost everything - they have to start from scratch again, any donations - also if it's in 7 months - will be needed so much, as they don't have any savings. The money from EF19 was well needed and wisely used in building new enclosures and fences).
Donations:If you have something to spare, please do!
[Paypal link] Rosi said she already received a few donations via Paypal by furries - and she was so surprised and thankful and happy that we still think of them. Thank you to everyone of you! <3
Active helpers:They just wrote it on their Facebook account: they already get offers for helping by people, but right now they have no idea where to start. It will still take them a while to figure out how to continue, where help is needed the most and how to organize everything (so please don't show up there by surprise, even with the best intentions, because they very likely won't be able yet to tell you where to help). I told them that there are many of us that would like to help as well, and she was very very thankful for it.
So, if you would like to help - please keep an eye on their Facebook account! They said that they will post it there as soon as possible when they know where and when the much appreciated help is needed. They have to sort everything out first, remove the trash, see what's still usable, and when they need the manpower and help, they will post it there. It would be awesome if many of you would show up there then!