Eurofurence Community > Eurofurence Media

Eurofurence 4 - Pure Nostalgia

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At the looks of it its created with Scala Multimedia MM400. Saw that for a split second before the auction part ;) (

Amigas for the win

Intresting to see that in the late 90s early 2000s the furdom was just building up. Also the fact that no fursuit builders existed yet.
So yeah a big difference from todays standards. Intresting to see. In my own country (I dont live that far from that location.)


--- Quote from: venthewolf on 19.06.2015, 14:00:18 ---<notusefull>
At the looks of it its created with Scala Multimedia MM400. Saw that for a split second before the auction part ;) (

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Yeah, most of the stuff was made in several night sessions between 22:00 and 5:00, so I must've turned that wheel one frame too far at some point.

I just thought "If only I would have known about Eurofurence back then". But then I realized that my parents probably wouldn't have let their 5 year old go to the Netherlands all by himself...


--- Quote from: Vaulz on 20.06.2015, 18:55:04 ---I just thought "If only I would have known about Eurofurence back then". But then I realized that my parents probably wouldn't have let their 5 year old go to the Netherlands all by himself...

--- End quote ---

It's an odd realization ah, I am only legal to go to EF since 10 years.
For me it feels like EF has existed forever, but if you start to relate dates like that it suddenly screws your perspective of time over a good bit.

Wow! 1998! One year before I did my first con, Duckon '99 in the USA!

I have to agree on the Fursuit building though. My original one was a simple mascot suit pattern altered a little. Cost me about £100, or €125 back then.

Ah, nostalgia.


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