Hello dear Dealer's Den Team,
I have a few questions about being an Artist in the DD and as it might interest other people, too, I opened this thread instead of sending an E-Mail.

This year I registered for the DD the first time. Although the rules offer many information about how to register, what to sell and other stuff like this, I have some questions left about actually being there the whole day. Please don't understand this thread as "I do desperately need that or I'm going to die". I'm just asking to know what I'm allowed to do there - and especially what not (beside selling stuff and become the richest badass of the galaxy

). Of course I could just ask other Dealer's from last year but as this was the first visit in the Estrel I suppose there might have been a few changes in the rules and the whole organisation of everything related.
(Also I apologize beforehand if my way of talking might sound somehow rude or abusing to you. I'm not a native speaker and may sometimes accidently say something wrong. I don't mean to harm anyone.)
1) Food & Drinks
I know it's not welcomed to eat your happy meal in the lobby or drink three beers from Edeka right in front of the bar. However, as artists in the DD we're kind of tied to the room for six hours a day although it's of course possible to take a break for regular necessities like lunch. Maybe you even find a good soul which is so kind to take care of your stuff. Going outside for every drip of soda water or ice tea sounds a little uncomfortable for the Dealer though and for every other Dealer you have to sneak around until you're outside the room. Same goes for some jelly bears or a small sandwich. I totally understand though that eating a jumbo Salami Pizza would be a serious danger to the goods around. So how is this handled? What is allowed, what isn't?
2) Electricity
During the registration it's possible to ask for an electric socket, so there is electricity in general. I'm sure many people would like to share one or bring more than one device. Are we allowed to bring own distribution boxes in case they are needed or are only yours allowed due to security reasons, fire precautions or insurance issues? (German because I can't say in English: Ich könnte auch einen Adapter zum Überspannungsschutz mitbringen.)
3) Electronic devices
What kind of stuff are we allowed to bring? I remember the huge discussion about large refrigators for fursuiters last year, just as the usual talk about water boilers for hot drinks and instant food. While the first one is probably unneccessary unless people want to sell pictures made of meat, other might think of water boilers for coffee (I'm thinking of issue 1 again.) Beside that there is of course less exotic stuff like laptops, tablets, mobile phones or even small printers, laminators for badges, radios for musicians or other things I haven't thought of yet. What is allowed, what's not?
4) ...other things
There are probably other small things I didn't start considering about. Are there other points I have to think about concerning general behaviour (aside from "don't demolish anything" and "don't cheat on your customers")? Traditionall artists may need a pot of water to clean their brushes, which might also be a problem if someone accidently knocks it down. Someone may paint on glass or need one as part of some light table or whatever. Any "survival hints" are welcomed here.
Long post is long. Again, it's no wishlist, just a few questions to make it possible to avoid problems.