Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Economic Impact

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Onkel Kage likes to boast how Anthrocon boosts the economy of Pittsburgh every year.  However, during Eurofurence, from Thursday through Sunday, the value of the Euro increased from US $1.10 to $1.14.  Talk about your economic impact!


--- Quote from: Recherei on 23.08.2015, 05:21:16 ---...during Eurofurence, from Thursday through Sunday, the value of the Euro increased from US $1.10 to $1.14.  Talk about your economic impact!.

--- End quote ---

*pouts* Yes.  Yes, it certainly did. *grumbles* >:(

lol awesomexD

I would say bullshit, or atleast just a coincidence... Why the whole Euro currency would change for a convention?

Sorry to say this but there are large conventions, conferences and festivals in Berlin nearly every week, pretty often way more "large" than a con with 2000 people. We sure bring some wealth to the restaurants around but I doubt that we have such a large impact on this. ;)


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