Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Feedback 2015

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--- Quote from: Vector on 25.08.2015, 15:33:57 ---Dog permit : some of my friends were really pissed off to see that some VIPs & people from staff were allowed to bring their dogs (although they're not obviously guide dogs for blind people). They were missing their dog and they had to find a solution to find a place and someone to take care of it during the convention.

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On the human side, I can undersand where that frustration is coming from. On the other hand,  it's the same way how we sometimes make exceptions for staffers to the "no kids" rule if they're long time contributing members and we need them to run this gig, and we know them personally long enough to trust them not to abuse the privilege and not become a liability.

Being a long time contributing and hardworking staffer has very few privileges, but this is one that we sometimes grant. There was exactly one exception, and that won't likely change. Unless you're volunteering to run the art show :) I


--- Quote ---- Moving the dead dog party back to Paris ? Having it in the club stage was nice, but made it far to reach with nothing in between the lobby and that room. Seems like people where all over the place with nothing really going on :)

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You're right, but we had to vacate all conference rooms in the Estrel until Saturday Evening 22:00, some until Sunday Eveniong 22:00 because they were booked by some other party ... so we had to schedule it in the ECC where we could use rooms until Monday. So it was the best available compromise.


--- Quote from: Ralphie Raccoon on 25.08.2015, 14:32:05 ---Room Access - If it is legally possible, can we please get the all the staircase doors unlocked, so we aren't forced to use the lifts? This would also allow those who need the lifts more (suiters and those with luggage) to use them without having to wait so long. Would also be some handy exercise!
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We tried hard to negotiate this, but unfortunately it is not possible for legal and security reasons. Hotel security insists that you can't accidently depart at the wrong floor in an actual emergency, the only way MUST lead to the emergency exit.


--- Quote ---I tryed 2 days in a raw to enter the fursuit photoshoot, and turned out the queu was insane. Maybee having a second stage for photo to double the amount of people able to take part would help a lot ?

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We did discuss that option of a second set internally multiple times already. But unless we find a room that hosts us (unlikely) and get about double the budget (also unlikely) we don't even have to scout for suitable staff to handle the workload. We can think about *maybe* adding an hour or two on the opening times though. Also, having two sets with the same decoration is unlikely, so how would we put people into set 1 or set 2?

--- Quote ---Photoshoot - Better communication with the queue so people don't leave empty handed after waiting 30+ minutes. Having two separate lines for 10 and 20 minute slots would probably help with this, and perhaps some sort of "slots remaining" counter (manual or electronic) so furs who have no hope of getting a slot don't queue up and waste their time. It might be worth having separate quotas for 10 and 20 minute slots, and alternating between the lines. If the 20 minute line is empty and the quota not full, then the slot(s) can be split and taken by 2 furs in the 10 minute line, and vice versa.

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Thank you for the input on the "slots remaining counter" - I'll consider something along these lines. However the amount cannot be 100% accurate since we are dealing with 10 or 15 minute slots here that are distributed upon demand. But I guess an estimated counter is better than none at all.

--- Quote ---Fursuit photoshoot : great idea of this QR code receipt. Too bad you can't choose the exact hour & time. Definitely nicer setup than EF20 and the headshoot idea is nice too ! Keep up the good work !
To allow more people to get a pic, would it be possible to allow photographers access outside of the photoshoot time slots?

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Thanks! The praise for that goes out to Karpour, who poked me to add something like that. I really would love a smaller code but the printer quality isn't quite up to par and the density required for a (mostly) working appointment is insane...

The "outside the hours" is basically out of the question, I'm afraid. We need some time to do backups and ready the set/props for the next day. Also we are doing our staff group pictures as well as one or two "extras" for photoshoot staffers already. So there really isn't much time left. Also, the rented equipment would need supervision anyway...

--- Quote ---Group Photo : maybe having clear instructions from a megaphone from the ground would help next time.

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We did have a megaphone... it was working this year too... but the distance proved a bit too far so nobody down there could hear it :( - we'll think about something for next year!

--- Quote ---Fursuit group photo : not a very good time there. People were stuck in a massive queue at the door not able to move or to have space to breathe. :/ 

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This is already in the feedback queue of the stage/security departments - somehow nobody thought about the queue requirement.

--- Quote ---on the photoshoot: let's face it: there were ~1k suiters ... 6-10shoots can be handled per hour ... there are 3 days @ 8hrs each ... do the maths, folks, bearing in mind that the photo team is no less than heroic but also wants to see the con from another angle than a 50mm lens ...

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Thanks for the feedback - oh, and we have a 24-105 lens ;)
We will never be able to squeeze all suiters that attend EF into the photoshoot. Which is why we would prefer to take suiters who didn't have a slot the year before. This is however a "soft" restriction, as a member of a group might have had a slot the year before and we don't want to split a group because of that. Only if *all* of the group had their pictures taken the year before we'd say: "Come back when the queue is gone". We did deny several persons who tried to sign up for a second picture to keep it fair. Sadly there is no 100% surefire way of detecting the "had a slot the year before" case. EF would need to have a permanent registration system for that. We can only guesstimate that and people might slip through.

--- Quote ---While the fursuit games were fun some games and judging criteria were on the weak side.

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"Weak" as in...? The focus was on entertaining games - however it's next to impossible to predict which games will be fun when you have no idea who is going to play them. Even with incredibly funny TV gameshows, the humor is mostly from the people playing and not the games themself. Which is why we scout for fursuiters who can also act a bit during the preliminaries.

--- Quote ---the Fursuit Photoshoot VS The Fursuit Gameshow several times (I don't know if it is handled the way that participating ones from one Event can participate on the next installment of the other)

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I wouldn't consider that a problem per se - the photoshoot was going on way longer and had plenty of other possible timeslots that didn't overlap. The preliminaries would only take 30-60 minutes of actual time (the timeframe in the schedule is for *all* the teams) and the show is only "blocking" qualified teams.

That being said: We did not expect that extreme increase in the photoshoot registrations - last year, the queues were only a few people long by the time the slots were gone. We *will* think of possible solutions, but as of yet I don't see any simple ones.

Putting on the "attendee" hat, I really liked that we were able to spread all over the hotel and CC for the Dead Dog party, so people spread out over all of the hotel and conference center. You never felt alone, but you could always get a seat somewhere.

And can I use the opportunity to say how much I loved the concept of having three stages (plus the extra PPS stage)? So great to have all the different kind of entertainment at any given time in the evening ... Jam Sessions, Big dancefloor, alternatives ... Thank you so much for making this possible! *

(Disclosure: While I'm part of the Stage Team, I could not claim any credit for almost all of them ... I'm saying this purely as attendee)


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