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Feedback 2015

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Pheew... Where to start...

Looking here at the remains of my pocket-programme I have like 11 event's panels I marked myself for "ATTEND THIS" and I was in like 4... There was always so much awesome stuff going on everywhere, I'd like to have myself cloned to visit everything to greet everyone, to hang arround with... - you get the point.

Nevertheless I took myself some time and suited about ~ 1 hour a day or so. This year was the first time I took the chance and was at the Fursuit- lounge and I was like: "Wow these fans are great" - perfect for cooling down and the drinks also helped alot since I think fursuiting gets you dehydrated quite fast. After walking from the Lounge back to the hotel and jumping arround a bit in the lobby, I was like "Well, it is quite far from here to the fursuit lounge... damn" but a security-member showed me the little area where the lounge was last year (Yeah I know >read the conbook<- I did but I simply forgot this).
What I want to say with this is: realising you put this little area there for the suiters who where at the lobby shows how much planning and effort went into this all. Mystifur, you and your team did a great job!

Art Show: difficult to start with, since I did not register myself as a bidder. I enjoyed the variety and the skill of all the artists who participated and also the professional way the whole thing was managed. Also I am glad I got to sell some of my stuff there. People told me the place where my stuff was located was not optimal and I think that's quite right but I do also think that a better location/ light/ weather/ whatever would not have made any influence, since I got a big eyecatcher there and ceramics /figurines will always have the problem of the difficult transportation.
Speaking of transportation I just realised that the otter-figurine for the charity auction did not have any packaging included although I clicked "yes" in the google-doc. I am very sorry for that. During all that hurry I forgot to give you the box. I hope you somehow managed to wrap it anyway.

The charity team itself managed to pull alot of money out of my wallet. Bad for me good for the Wildtierhilfe Fiel so... not bad at all... :P You did a great job!

Artist Alley: I did not want to stay all day inside the dealers den and miss half of the con (therefore I did not register for it at all), so the artist alley was the perfect opportunity to sell some stuff and have time. I think I was there between 15:00 and 18:00 on saturday and actually I think it was quite good - not like everything sold out but people where interested and bought a few things. It felt a bit like dealers den - second choice but as I said that is quite fine. 'Just angry about myself that I was there just on saturday and not on the days before... When will cloning be legal?

The Dances are not my kind of event but you did a great job with the alternatives: The Karaoke sessions where great and the open stage itself was one of my favourites - highlight on saturday: Rhubarb, Eisfuchs, Fox-Amoore and (sorry I don't know your names drummer and accordeon-player) and their impro-concert: Awesome!
Question to Eisfuchs: Did you bring the instruments? Could everyone played with it? I was kinda afraid since some musicians don't like when you touch their stuff... Anyway I consider bringing my own guitar next year. :P

Last evening I was not at the DDP but at the Campfire which showed to be an awesome alternative to the noise music.

After all I'd just like to say that this con was   r e a l l y    a w e s o m e   and thank everone I met there as well as everyone I did not met, for making it awesome the way it was.


--- Quote from: Fafnir Kristensen on 26.08.2015, 14:35:51 ---artshow:
- poor lightning
this was already said and I have read the answers already, still please try to improve if possible.

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and who else found the lighting situation insufficient: Can you tell us when exactly you were visiting the Art Show? I am asking because, for technical reasons, for a short time on one day we had a different lighting situation than the rest of the time. We know already lighting at this specific time was not too good, we want to make sure people can at least live with what we had the rest of the time :)

I visited the Art Show a few times, mostly at afternoon/evening except during the set up at thursday noon. Unfortunately I didn't pay attention to the light all the time. At the beginning it felt more like "something is bothering me about that but I can't name it" until someone mentioned the lighting. (I think that was friday.) Therefore I can't give you a clear and helpful answer. :(


--- Quote from: Ninu on 26.08.2015, 13:48:12 ---I like the idea to "Unite" the former Yugoslavian countries into one, but It would be nice to have each independent countries listed.
Language wise its not that close now than it was 20+ years ago.
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*chuckles* Well the reason why there's even this choice (Former Yugoslavia) is that the country selector is basically a dump of ISO country codes, and it has some obsolete assignments in it :) But I noticed you are half right anyways ... we list Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegowina and Macedonia, but somehow the list is missing Montenegro and Serbia. I guess the list is a little too old - I agree we should update it.


--- Quote from: Carbine on 26.08.2015, 15:11:36 ----Lanyards: Would it be possible to get lanyards with break away buckles? This would really simplify putting on my badge while in fursuit. I could use my own but these obviously aren't official EF attendee/sponsor colored lanyards.

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Just as a note - we had this for one year, and we got a flood of complaints that it was now far too easy to lose your badge - I guess you can't have the cake and eat it too :)


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