Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Feedback 2015

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Fafnir Kristensen:

--- Quote from: ysegrim on 26.08.2015, 18:49:55 ---and who else found the lighting situation insufficient: Can you tell us when exactly you were visiting the Art Show? I am asking because, for technical reasons, for a short time on one day we had a different lighting situation than the rest of the time. We know already lighting at this specific time was not too good, we want to make sure people can at least live with what we had the rest of the time :)

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I visited the artshow several time between the 3 days, not just once.
please dont misunderstand me, Im not saying you did a bad job, Im saying quite several panel are not lighted correctly, due to the room lighting possibilities, but this made some of the art either hard or difficult to appreciate at their correct value or even not really noticeable, for example, some of the tables along the wall or several in the adult area.
but all this has already been discussed in previous feedback in this thread, thats why I didnt elaborate

This was my third EF and not my last, each time I have attended I have left for home with great memories and a good experience along with the minor downsides that failed to dent my enthusiasm for having a good time with a great group of people.

My first EF was also the last one held in Magdeburg, the city that introduced me to: A fantastic steakhouse with good beer, Jägerschnitzel, Currywurst, how to properly 'toast' by clinking the bottom of the glass and not breaking eye-contact and other fun things about Germany I never knew before. My second EF brought me to Berlin and to completely new experiences which were only improved upon many-fold this year.

I enjoyed my first EF though getting to and from Magdeburg proved to be a frustrating excercise with delayed trains and a missed return flight, yet for all that I couldn't help but discuss the good fun I had with two other friends who had never been to a furcon before - they came for EF 20 and enjoyed it so much they were with me again this year along with another friend from America who sadly could not stay for the whole event. My overall experiences have been very positive even with the occasional issues and problems, none of them were particularly unpleasant enough to ruin my fun or deter me from returning.

Getting there:
I would recommend trying to catch a flight into SXF, the train station is less than 300m away, the instructions on the website do assume a familiarity with how to find the correct train, I found the station signs confusing and a bit contradictory but I've yet to see any train station get this right so not a big deal overall.

Checkin & Registration:
The staff at reception are very helpful, my room wasn't ready but they were happy to hold onto my bags so I could come back later. Registration is also quick and smooth, it was nice to have Registration open on Tuesday morning so I could get that out of the way to save queuing later when more people would arrive, even upgrades to higher levels was straightforward and quickly done.

Elevators & Stairs:
With only two or three elevators for each wing, there are inevitably long queues and delays as the car stops at almost every floor, my only issue which I note has been addressed already is the lack of stairs forcing everyone to use the elevator when going up, this was at its worst during the arrivals and departures. Even if they can't unlock them to permit you to go up, is it permitted to use them for going down to the lobby?

Internet Access:
I think it's nice that the hotel provides us with "free" internet access but the hotspot system is not without a number of flaws. Moving from the "rooms" network to the regular network would require you to log back in, in some areas the network was completely unstable and unusable; connecting to the "rooms" network would work while the regular network would not get you a connection at all and in other areas it was the reverse. None of this was helped by a bad actor interfering with the WiFi! Highly recommended you stick with mobile data if you can, you can't get 4G on prepaid and it's a bit of a pain if you don't have a German address but I had the most reliable internet connection care of!

Food and Drink:
There are a few nice places within walking distance, but I found the Estrel-Stube restaurant to be quite reasonably priced and the staff there to be very helpful and friendly - the supervisor in particular. Good food, generous portions and nice beer all made for a good evening. While others didn't express the best view of the staff at the Atrium Bar, I always found them reasonably quick and quite friendly. I recall one of the wait staff asking me twice if I wanted anything to eat when I just needed to sit with a friend and chat over a drink, great service.

The Convention Itself:
What can I say that I haven't said already? I spent so much time moving between different groups of friends, that I didn't spend quite as much attending all the panels, but it's obvious that the programming team go to lengths to keep most of us happy with more things to do than hours in the day. My only comment is that there doesn't seem to be quite that many useful perks in paying for a Sponsors badge such as early access to the Dealers Den but that's also a minor thing, I'll be paying out for a Sponsors badge again regardless as overall I enjoy my time there and would like help keep it going year on year.
So a big thank you to the con staff and hotel for making this another fantastic year for my friends and I.

One last thing, and something of a tip for the Security section in the conbook. I had left my phone down as I went to go get some fresh air and realised my mistake, it had been handed into security but they had no idea who owned it. If you do own a Smartphone, make sure your name is programmed into the "Owner" information so that Security can identify who it belongs to when you come to claim it.


--- Quote from: Z.G.I.F on 26.08.2015, 21:02:15 ---One last thing, and something of a tip for the Security section in the conbook. I had left my phone down as I went to go get some fresh air and realised my mistake, it had been handed into security but they had no idea who owned it. If you do own a Smartphone, make sure your name is programmed into the "Owner" information so that Security can identify who it belongs to when you come to claim it.

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Or make it very easy to recognize ^^
Unless someone removes it to own it for him/herself, I doubt there wil lbe any mistake with my actual hardshell as the picture on it is rather unique... and only furry-related if you know the connections.


--- Quote from: Fafnir Kristensen on 26.08.2015, 20:48:10 ---
--- Quote from: ysegrim on 26.08.2015, 18:49:55 ---and who else found the lighting situation insufficient: Can you tell us when exactly you were visiting the Art Show? I am asking because, for technical reasons, for a short time on one day we had a different lighting situation than the rest of the time. We know already lighting at this specific time was not too good, we want to make sure people can at least live with what we had the rest of the time :)

--- End quote ---
I visited the artshow several time between the 3 days, not just once.
please dont misunderstand me, Im not saying you did a bad job, Im saying quite several panel are not lighted correctly, due to the room lighting possibilities, but this made some of the art either hard or difficult to appreciate at their correct value or even not really noticeable, for example, some of the tables along the wall or several in the adult area.
but all this has already been discussed in previous feedback in this thread, thats why I didnt elaborate

--- End quote ---
No, no, thanks for letting us know! I was just curious whether this was something we had already fixed (by fixing the technical problem I mentioned), or whether we still need to see whether there is an affordable way to improve the lightning situation. Seems it's the latter, but I can't promise anything :)

After my second EF I just have to write a few words here. I was having some great days like last year and I will definitly come back again. It is just like a step into that other world I ever dreamed of when I read the books and comics or watched the tv shows that got me into this ;-)

At first I want just to say thank you to the staff for the great work and to the other attendees for great time there.

It is just fun to watch the fursuiters in action in the hotel lobby, on the dance floor and on stage in the events. The Dance competition had some great performances and the game show was fun too. I hope I have my own suit till next year (pointing out to the person who knows... ;-)

Last years pawpet show was really great so I was a bit dissapointed that there would be none this year, but the swiss team did a great job. It wasn't that "epic" like Keepers of the Light but with a lot of humor. I really liked it.

With all that space available there where a lot of places to go to and with different things going on. A lot of Events and Panels at day and at the evening/night the campfire was good to relax, the open stage had some really cool events and the dance events where a good finisher of the day. Some special thanks to the DJ at saturday in ECC3, that was some really cool music.

The only thing I could criticize is that compared to last year the decoration was a bit "missing". The banners in the lobby where cool, but last year there was just more around that pointed out the theme. Like the police car in the chill out lounge and so on. And as others mentioned earlier the room for the queueing was really looking "empty", even with a lot of people in the queues (but having that space for the queues was a lot better than last year)


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