Eurofurence Community > Eurofurence Media

Official Group Photos are done!

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After going through dozens of individual pictures and selecting the ones with the fewest people looking away or blocking each other, here are the final pictures:

* - Regular Group Photo
* - Fursuit Group Photo (indoors)
* - Fursuit Parade Group Photo (outdoors)
There's also a thumbnail version of each for embedding a link with a preview if you want to do so:

* - Regular Group Photo
* - Fursuit Group Photo (indoors)
* - Fursuit Parade Group Photo (outdoors)

Nice Photos :)

But as expected you don't see all the small people in the back of the indoor fursuit photo because camera angle way too low. Including me. :/
And I had no idea when the regular group photo was made because there was no countdown or something like that. Didn't hear anyone say "We make the photo now!" ^^


--- Quote from: Suicune on 31.08.2015, 21:22:20 ---Nice Photos :)

But as expected you don't see all the small people in the back of the indoor fursuit photo because camera angle way too low. Including me. :/
And I had no idea when the regular group photo was made because there was no countdown or something like that. Didn't hear anyone say "We make the photo now!" ^^

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Any higher with the camera and I'd have taken a nice picture of a light fixture which were mounted up there... we also know about the megaphone issue: it was by far not loud enough to cover the distance "to earth". We need to get something better for next year... maybe a megaphone attached to a radio? Hmmm... I'm actually more concerned with how few people showed up. That's less than a third of the attendees.


--- Quote from: Atkelar on 31.08.2015, 21:31:12 ---... we also know about the megaphone issue: it was by far not loud enough to cover the distance "to earth". We need to get something better for next year... maybe a megaphone attached to a radio?

--- End quote ---

One or two mobile PA speaker down there and a wireless mic for the photographer would do fine, I guess.

Than you Atkelar! Good job  :D


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