Okay, so I've been pottering around these forums since a little before EF13, making my snide little comments and so on. Didn't realise there was a semi-official protocol for introducing myself anywhere, so yeah.
I'm p@, as in Pat, not p-at or for the benefit of a certain canadian (I don't think he's a member here anyway), not p-shift-2. *mutter*
If you were at the last EF it's possible that you saw me (just in case you didn't see my con-badge/name,
this is me), probably at the bar, or most any place you saw Garr, if you know who that is (drunk guy, handing out the not-so-temporary tattoos).
Umm...what else? I'm 23 and I'm a virgo. I like girls, long walks on the beach, seafood, cake and over-using elipses (these curvy brackets here).
Oh yeah, If you hadn't guessed. Leopard.