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Spring Cleaning :)


Hi everyone!

Yes, I know, it's not exactly springtime, but who says you can't have a spring cleaning in autumn? :)

I have cleaned up the "Eurofurence Information" section quite a bit:

* I've removed all threads that contain obsolete or useless information.
* All old threads in the Q&A board have been stripped down to only contain the question and the official answer.
* All old threads in the Q&A board that have a definitve answer have been locked
* All threads in the Programming board concerning events concerning EF13 events that are NOT feedback threads have been removed. If you want to apply for EF14, please re-post :)
The EF Community Section also got some slight makeover:

* Most threads in the General Discussion section that pre-date EF13 and have not received any replies for several weeks have been locked, to avoid confusion by old informatin popping up again.


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