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Feedback 2016
« on: 22.08.2016, 11:05:43 »

I'm back home (well I arrived yesterday night) and what can I say... my apartment feels a bit empty right now.

I attended the EF since Tuesday, which, in the first couple of moments, felt a bit like "Sorry Ghosty, but you missed half of the con already", because it felt like like everybody was already there. ;)
As I am not a big "panel guy", I didn't attend much of the program except for the big main stage events like the Pawpet Show, Story Hour, Art Auction and of course Dealers Den and Art SHow.
The EF has, for me personally, always been a bit of a "people con", a possibility to meet those people that I can only meet with difficulties during the year or not at all.
And I was not disappointed.
I've met with some old friends and acquaintances, was able to deepen some friendships and found some new friends.
So the convention was already totally worth it. And I don't think I ever have been hugged, cuddled and snuggled so much in my life before, like on this years EF. <3

The panels I attended were really great. Especially this years Pawpet show was awesome and instantly turned into one of my favorite episodes ever.
Especially those backdrops you used were insanely good. I think one of my favorites was the graveyard with all those lights.
And I think there were really not big delays at all, at least I can't remember any on any panels I attended or walked by.
That is awesome work, guys and I know you really worked your tails off ... and I really raise my hat to you!

What really got me this year were the last, emotional 5 minutes of Kage's story hour with his father.
I did not manage to laugh about his last joke with the selfie ... because I had tears in my eyes from what Kage told us about his father and I was just fighting hard not to start crying right there.
And I think I was not alone.

I think the only criticism I have was with the service in the hotel, not the convention.
There were some things that just should not happen that way in a 4+ star hotel, used to big events.
But that is something better directed at the hotel itself and I think with will write them some polite feedback these days, so they can maybe work on that.
And it's nothing that spoiled my convention.

So..all in all, the EF22 had been an amazing and wonderful convention for me and I now know again why I am doing this to myself every year.
I'm really not comfortable in large crowds and big events and sometimes I just have to retreat to my hotel room for half an hour.
But then I just clip on my badges, grab Sammy and just head back into this wonderful big pile of fluff and I feel like I really belong there.

So I wanted to thank there entire EF staff for their awesome and very hard work and to my friends and acquaintances for making this year's EF an unforgettable experience.
Thank you!
« Last Edit: 22.08.2016, 11:08:00 by Ghostbear »


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Re: Feedback 2016
« Reply #1 on: 22.08.2016, 13:39:07 »

Hi all,

been in Berlin from monday on, but had to leave on Saturday :/

The art show had an exceptional good quality to it, me gusta!
I understand that there's a staff shortage, so seeing the main fursuit lounge unstaffed was unsurprising yet sad. Also I'm recalling the times when there was at least semi-professional assistance for fursuit emergencies like in Magdeburg. Not vereybody is a seamstress ...

One thing I wondered about: the lobby used to be busier at 3am ... you're getting old?? Fireplace was very nice though! Thanks for setting it up!

Sadly some room cleaners were not attentative to plushies placed on beds ... I found mine tossed aside 2 times after room service had been through. Rather personal I admit, but nontheless ...





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Re: Feedback 2016
« Reply #2 on: 22.08.2016, 15:36:01 »

Again it was an awesome convention. Absolutely agree with you. Also met old and found new friends ;)
EF23, thats for sure way to go!

Santa fox

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Re: Feedback 2016
« Reply #3 on: 22.08.2016, 23:30:42 »

Only thing I have complaints about are the hotel and staff, and perhaps the conbook, as far as I am aware it didn't show Supersponsor Early access times? As well as trying to find places, but that quickly got solved. So nothing really from me, except congratulating on the con going as smooth as it, at least seemed to, did.


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Re: Feedback 2016
« Reply #4 on: 23.08.2016, 00:10:09 »

I actually got nothing major to complain, everything went nice and as expected :)
The bouncy castles were a funny idea! :D
Also the increased seat possibilities were nice. It was funny to see how every 2nd person fell over the white cubes on the white ground on the first day. Suiters and non suiters equal. xD
I also noticed most of the chairs were put aside during the dances. Noticed that much more people joined the dances. And I loved the big glow sticks with the different modes :D
To change how the group photos are made was a great idea! Using math to make everyone visible on the photo, awesome! Only germans can come up with that. :>
About the hotel: I just had to log in once on Estrels Wifi with my 3DS and stayed connected all the time. It was really nice! Has it to to with that 3DS scanner whateveritis thing I find in the Wifi search?

The only thing I complain about: The music at the campfire was too loud on wednesday evening/thursday morning. 4am and you can still hear clearly the bass in wing 1 campfire side... Or was is the roomparty goinmg on in storey... 8? Anyway, it was a little bit annoying.
Also: Nobody likes that friggin pillar named "Scheiß Säule" in Strassbourgh ಠ_ಠ
Whats in there anyway? When I was knocking at it, it turned out it's hollow. Can Estrel please make it gone? D:


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Re: Feedback 2016
« Reply #5 on: 23.08.2016, 01:35:08 »

might write something more in-depth later but;

the con was great, nothing was extremely delayed (? some main stage evets were delayed for 30-60minutes at max which is more than fine, i didn't mind a bit), even with growing con i felt there was enough room for everyone. nothing to complain really, regarding the con atleast haha.

see you all at EF23! ☆


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Re: Feedback 2016
« Reply #6 on: 24.08.2016, 00:26:25 »

Es war für mich eine echt tolle EF. Alles war extrem top. Und auch die Verspätungen waren in einem guten normalen Rahmen. Alle Veranstaltungen die ich besuchte waren aus meiner Sicht top!! Und die PawPetShow erst!!  :)

Eine besondere Ehre war es für mich wieder auf dem Eighties Dance als Dj mitwirken zu dürfen und meine Vniyls auflegen zu dürfen. Zum Glück konnte ich sie dann für eine Nacht in einem Lagerraum lassen (ich durfte sogar meinen Wagen für eine Nacht im Hof des Estrels parken) und musste sie nicht nachts um 3 durch Neukölln zu meiner Unterkunft transportieren. Danke an den Furry der die Entscheidungsgewalt darüber hatte (rotes Band), und mir die Erlaubnis dazu gab. Bin ja nunmal halt kein Staff Mitglied, sondern nur ein kleiner freiwilliger der etwas zum Programm beigetragen hat.  :)

DANKE!!!!!! :)

Es war mir immer etwas unwohl bei dem Gedanken meinen Fursuit über Nacht in der Suiterlounge lassen zu müssen (ist ja schließlich mit eines der wertvollsten Dinge die ich besitze), aber den Suit jeden Abend oder Nacht durch Neukölln zur Unterkunft transportieren zu müssen, ist eine nicht so prickelnde Alternative. Es gab zwar Leute die mir angeboten hatten das ich meinen Suit in ihrem Estrel-Zimmer lassen könnte, aber ich wollte sie nicht ständig nerven, wenn ich meinen Suit haben wollte.
Also habe ich vertraut, und wurde zum Glück nicht enttäuscht.  :)

Es gab zwar auch negatives, aber das hatte nichts direkt mit der EF zutun.

Ich konnte viele tolle Leute wiedersehen und knuddeln!   Ich und das Rudel hatten sehr viel Spaß. 

Großes Lob an alle die zum Gelingen der EF beigetragen haben.  :)

It was a really great EF for me. Everything was extremely top. And the delays were in good normal frame. All events I attended were in my view top !! And the PawPetShow only !! :)

it was a special honor to be part again in the Eighties Dance as Dj for me and to be able to hang up my Vniyls. Luckily I was able to make them for a night in a storage room (I even got to my car one night in the courtyard of the Estrel park) and did not need it at night to transport 3 through Neukölln to my accommodation. Thanks to the furry of the power of decision over had (Red Ribbon), and gave me permission to do so. Bin nunmal just not a staff member, but only a small volunteer has helped the something about the program. :)

THANK YOU!!!!!! :)

It was having to always leave me a bit uncomfortable with the thought my Fursuit overnight in Suiterlounge (is finally with one of the most valuable things I own) is, but the suit to have to transport every evening or night Neukölln Property a not so sparkly alternative. There were people who had offered me that I could leave my suit in their Estrel room, but I did not want to constantly annoy, if I wanted to have my suit.
So I trusted, and was not disappointed fortunately. :)

There were also negative, but that had nothing to do directly with the EF.

I could see many amazing people again and hug! I and the pack had a lot of fun.

Kudos to all who contributed to the success of EF. :)
Die Deutschen müssen mein Englisch nicht verstehen können, oder schön finden.  Es reicht wenn sie mein Deutsch verstehen. Wichtiger ist es das englisch sprachige Leute mein Englisch verstehen, auch wenn es nicht gut ist.


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Re: Feedback 2016
« Reply #7 on: 24.08.2016, 10:58:34 »

Con was awesome as every year, everything went smooth and i enjoyed it a lot, a big thanks and congrats to the con staff :)

However i have two complaints:
1) Why there was a guy in fursuit parade cuting the parade in half, and the rest of us (me including in the second half) didnt knew where to go? I mean, he told us to go through the second small entrance of the hotel, but there where so many people in there, guests and the first half of the fursuit parade, that we litteraly didnt knew what to do, ending up staying there standing for about 15 min. Was that really neccessary to happen? :/
2) No security in fursuit lounge entrance...*sigh*... why in the name of raptor jesus did you put the strict rule of the fursuit badge anyway? xD


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Re: Feedback 2016
« Reply #8 on: 24.08.2016, 17:26:42 »

Positive Feedback sums up to:
YOU GUYS ROCK!! Thanks for the awesome weeklong party! I got to meet so many new people and had lots of fun at the events!

However I have a complaint, which concerns squeaking fursuits.
Squeakers are a nice way of expressing yourself when in a suit without talking, however some suiters seemingly do not know when to actually STOP.
While the majority of suiters I met actually used their squeakers in expressive ways, there was this one suiter who nearly made me throw him out of the next window.
I was sitting in the artist alley late afternoon on Saturday when a suiter I actually had met before came and stood before one of the many "don't awoo" signs, and he started squeaking at it permanently. And didn't stop. I asked him to stop squeaking after about 10 minutes because it REALLY got on my nerves permanently having a high pitched squeak in my ears while trying to concentrate on commissions. As a reply, I only got more and louder squeaks in my direction. When I approached security (since he obviously didn't plan on stopping or moving) after about half an hour of nonstop squeaking (how did he even breathe?!) I got a very comforting look and was told that even they couldn't do anything more than actually ask him to stop/move, since there is no rule covering this very specific issue.
I'm well aware I had the bad luck of catching the odd suiter out in this case, but would it be possible to actually figure out a way that such suiters can be disciplined?
I'm a noodle!

Dhary Montecore

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Re: Feedback 2016
« Reply #9 on: 24.08.2016, 17:36:46 »

However I have a complaint, which concerns squeaking fursuits.
Squeakers are a nice way of expressing yourself when in a suit without talking, however some suiters seemingly do not know when to actually STOP.
While the majority of suiters I met actually used their squeakers in expressive ways, there was this one suiter who nearly made me throw him out of the next window.
I was sitting in the artist alley late afternoon on Saturday when a suiter I actually had met before came and stood before one of the many "don't awoo" signs, and he started squeaking at it permanently. And didn't stop. I asked him to stop squeaking after about 10 minutes because it REALLY got on my nerves permanently having a high pitched squeak in my ears while trying to concentrate on commissions. As a reply, I only got more and louder squeaks in my direction. When I approached security (since he obviously didn't plan on stopping or moving) after about half an hour of nonstop squeaking (how did he even breathe?!) I got a very comforting look and was told that even they couldn't do anything more than actually ask him to stop/move, since there is no rule covering this very specific issue.
I'm well aware I had the bad luck of catching the odd suiter out in this case, but would it be possible to actually figure out a way that such suiters can be disciplined?

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. While technically right, the security officer should have know that they can very well tell someone off for causing discomfort to others. A name and description or time and date for a CCTV identification would be useful here. But apart from that, the entire "Awoo" issue will have consequences regarding the Rules of Conduct for the upcoming years.

We are sorry for your discomfort.


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Re: Feedback 2016
« Reply #10 on: 24.08.2016, 23:40:55 »

As you talked about the Awoo-thing Dhary: While I don't have a thing when done outside or only done on occasion, but there was at least one occasion where Pinky herself enforcing one as we waited for the seating for a mainstageevent (if i am correct the Opening or the PPS). While I like Pinky in person, it really ticks me off since someones starting to howl right next to me and the acoustic in the "waiting hall" worked quite..."well"

Another thing i would like to point out: Are the Windows at the Lobby possible to be open at the breakfast already. This year it was very warm even early in the morning but maybe still a possibility to cool down the lobby a bit and change the air out.

Beside these two negative points all went well this year, sure the problem with "could someone clone me so I can attend 2 Panels at the same" time happens no and then, but hey I don't want to be in Akulatraxas shoes anyway. I had way more fun this year somehow and it seams the Hotel gets quite used to us *thumbs up for that guys*
« Last Edit: 25.08.2016, 00:29:20 by meo »


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Re: Feedback 2016
« Reply #11 on: 25.08.2016, 00:01:20 »

Only thing I have complaints about are the hotel and staff, and perhaps the conbook, as far as I am aware it didn't show Supersponsor Early access times? As well as trying to find places, but that quickly got solved. So nothing really from me, except congratulating on the con going as smooth as it, at least seemed to, did.

Which early access times were you missing? :)
The Dealers Den is the only event which does have early access (this has been in the Conbook, in the timetable). (There was no early access for Art Show this year, simply because it's not really needed) ^^

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Re: Feedback 2016
« Reply #12 on: 25.08.2016, 00:33:44 »

Ugh... the howling thing, that really went too far. When I was in the queue for the pawpet show, that must have happened about 10 times, and it gave me a throbing headache that got worse each time. It was mildly funny at first, but by the end of the con...


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Re: Feedback 2016
« Reply #13 on: 25.08.2016, 11:41:58 »

Aside from some internal things the only thing that really pissed me of by the end of the Con was the Awoo-Thing... I know a person who started several (saw him) but can't tell if it was him all the time. Some people lack of attention and need to force it by "being funny" without a sense of humor... HRSN! Name will given to the team. 
Plus my missing seating plan, we had on the last day and the whole concept didn't work out as planned.

Aside that: BEST EF EVER!!!!
I loved the theme. The decoration was great. The huge Walkman was amazing and I've seen a lot of people taking pictures with it. Great idea!
We had great guests and I met soooo many lovely people. EF is always like another universe.

Thank you to the whole team, MY team and all these wonderful guests making EF what it is --> a huge and stressfull party and a great experience! 8D

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Re: Feedback 2016
« Reply #14 on: 25.08.2016, 18:58:45 »

Only thing I have complaints about are the hotel and staff, and perhaps the conbook, as far as I am aware it didn't show Supersponsor Early access times? As well as trying to find places, but that quickly got solved. So nothing really from me, except congratulating on the con going as smooth as it, at least seemed to, did.

Which early access times were you missing? :)
The Dealers Den is the only event which does have early access (this has been in the Conbook, in the timetable). (There was no early access for Art Show this year, simply because it's not really needed) ^^

Fairly sure security opened up to Mainstage for us Supersponsor/Sponsors early on the Opening/End/PPS show, as well as the dancing event(?) As I recall several people with Green lanyards being turned away, while the rest of us got in without problem. Only to have it opened up for the rest after about 5 - 15 minutes. Perhaps I got it wrong, though? Dealers den was of course marked, which I got into line for; I have no complaints
about that.

Infact, it isn't so much a complaint as much as a remark, as I was left wondering a bit once I got into line for the first mainstage event, and saw the above happen.
« Last Edit: 25.08.2016, 19:02:04 by Santa fox »
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