Eurofurence Information > Feedback

The stream

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Quincy the Raccoon:
Aaaah yes, the good old stream of EF. What can I say about it this year. It was good. Not bad. But also not excellent. During the fursuitfriendly dance even the sound went IUHKJHKJHKJHHHJKHKHJHGHGHG........ Thank goodness Tillikum jumped in and fixed it. Few minutes later while our poor ears were getting smushed by that horrible sound that was... the stream. But thanks, Tilli for fixing that. Better late than never heh.

There was even a case when one part was playing and the other part went silent. (Some popsong overtook the video, wanted some more screentime methinks...) But also THAT was later on fixed. Thank you furs of the tech department.

And even later on a few days this happened:

What in the wooooorld was that?! I wanted to see EF PRIME, not some..... whateverthatthingwas.... Shoo shoo! (I think that was on day 2)
And not to mention the laaaaaaaaaaagggggggggggggggggggg during the paw pet show. Mein Himmel!

But on another thing: the twitter bar was nice and snappy! Even so, that my tweets were on the screen several times! YAY!

But keep it up you furs! I really (mostly!) enjoyed the livestream and I hope to see you all (hopefully) in true life next year!  ;D

Santa fox:
Didn't have much trouble with the EF Prime channel in Wing 4, except on the first and last day, which I can understand. A really good job, as far as I am aware.

Fursuit game show wasn't in BBF Tv :P


Quincy the Raccoon:

--- Quote from: RedFoxy on 23.08.2016, 14:52:09 ---Fursuit game show wasn't in BBF Tv :P

--- End quote ---
Nono, the dance, not the game show!  :)


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