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Pawpetshow Critique :)

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--- Quote from: Runo on 26.08.2016, 20:34:09 ---It's just that after having these characters on your mind for months, you do grow attached to them, and understand them better…  :P

--- End quote ---

That of course is very true and I completely understand that. But from my point of view, as a viewer who doesn't have any insight into it, felt that there was a lot to be desired. Maybe if you bring out an Artbook or a story book you could elaborate on them ;D

But of course, thats just my opinion and I respect any other opinion =)

Regarding the artist I'll give you a poke.

Fafnir Kristensen:
I enjoyed the show, not much to say that hasnt been said (even if I disagree with some of the critics), but for one thing:

funny derp horses

Hello dear critics!

Thanks for all the feedback. I'm not going to justify every little flaw. Yeah, of course there are flaws.

Of course it nags me a great bit if the most important cue fails (the gun exploding). But then, we only get to try this ONCE before the show, and sometimes things just fail. This is the thrill of a live performance :) I hope you guys got the message anyways.

About the story, and the characters: Yup, there are a lot of flaws if you look for them, and well, so potami is a little too sex-positive for some :) I find that quite amusing. Note that inside the story universe, Potami never gets shamed for it. The story never makes a moral comment about it, so all this assessment happens inside YOUR head :) It is up to you to make up your mind if that is one of her strengths, or one of her flaws. I enjoy creating characters that are ambiguous and non perfect, and that might even make you question your own values for a second.

In general, I am very happy and proud that we were able to make you think such deep thoughts about our characters, and that we are apparently good enough to even be criticised by these standards :)

Hello Pawpet-Show-Crew,

First of all, Great work!

I really like to hear more Stories out of the "Keepers of the Light" World!!!
I like the Myth around it!!!

Because i was ill at the Con, i was watching the Show on Prime.
I just have one negativ point i need to say in German due to missing vocabulary:

Die Übertragung wirkte auf dem Fernsehr zu hell, ob dies an Kamera-Einstellungen, an den Lichtern an sich oder an den TV-Geräten liegt kann ich nicht sagen, hierbei fehlt mir das nötige Fachwissen.


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