Eurofurence Information > Feedback

Feedback - EF 22 - Restaurants and Show-Your-Badge

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Have you been eating or shopping outside of the hotel, in the local area ?
Would you like to recommend any of the restaurants or stores for the show-your-badge program ?

We would love to get your input and hear about experiences.

(Sidenote: The issue with the indian Shaan restaurant on the first day was based on a misunderstanding and was solved on the same day.)

I don't remember, was Louis on the list?

A lot of furs ate there and they are very friendly. They serve one of the largest schnitzel I have ever seen.

It is enormous. I don't recommend eating it alone.

I was eating there in 2014, it was the same.


--- Quote from: Torajin on 23.08.2016, 09:29:20 ---I don't remember, was Louis on the list?

A lot of furs ate there and they are very friendly. They serve one of the largest schnitzel I have ever seen.

--- End quote ---
I would absolutely second this, went there in 2014 and intentionally ordered the XXL Schnitzel, half of which I ended up eating the following day but it was just tooo good. They have good food (besides the schnitzel) and the owner is a lovely gentleman. Recommend it wholeheartedly if you are going with a modest to large group.

There was also a nice pizza place that I went to last year, good pizza and good Banan-Hefe or however you call it.

Louis already confirmed that they want to be part of the program next year.
They were also impressed with how nice and friendly furry clients were.
Keep that up.


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